Friday, December 8, 2023


 Thurs. 7 Dec. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • Just got an email from my Handler. We will get notification tomorrow Fri. 8 Dec. by late afternoon. It’s done. It’s done. It’s blankey blank done.
  • One of the bondholders is saying the Tier 3 super whales have funds in accounts, but has no access yet. They are looking to receive notification by email for access to funds.
  • The regular whales were told today they were going to try to push it through around 2am tomorrow Fri. 7 Dec.
  • The National Bank of Japan, their Central Bank, crashed today. All the other Central Banks will crash in the next few banks. About 9 others will crash in next few days. Do we need to wait for all banks to crash? Don’t know.
  • Some say on or before the 14th it has to happen. Traditionally Bankers in Europe go on a one month holiday 12/15-1/15. However, that could be different this year.
  • It is possible tomorrow Fri. 8 Dec. is our day. If 2am happens for the bondholders, and if there’s any kind of shotgun start, tomorrow should be great for us too.

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