Friday, December 29, 2023


Texas Snake

Folks, as I have stated before the world economy cannot continue without the RV and the powers that be know this. On Fri. 23 Dec. I spoke with a banker contact. He was going to Los Angeles or San Francisco to spend the holiday with his family. He indicated that point it might be much later into January before we did anything.

 So today (Thurs. 28 Dec.) since I hadn’t heard from him, I called and spoke to his Assistant. She said he’s planning to fly back into Texas  tomorrow Fri. 29 Dec. He’s got these five stages he’s involved with. He’s training a number of Wells Fargo bankers on the procedures that they have to follow in order to do exchanges. 

He said that everyone that goes through an exchange process will be getting some type of a new Credit Card/ Debit Card that hooks into the QFS system. At your exchange you will get at least one or two percent of whatever you’re going to exchange immediately put on that card. They will open a new account for you, or possibly multiple accounts.

 If you have more than one currency and wish to open an account for each currency, they will do all that at your exchange meeting. Then it will be 10 to 20 days after that funding will actually appear in your new accounts. I think he said it was a $10,000 dollar debit card to leave the exchange process with so you have funding at least up to 10 grand to do certain things you may need to do. 

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