Sunday, December 17, 2023



  The head of the armed forces  coming out and saying the whole of the armed forces from Wednesday to Wednesday starting the day before yesterday through Wednesday of next week are on the highest level of alert in the whole of the armed forces.  Level C...It's like a bloody call for a war, reservists and so on.  It's saying it's because of the election on the Monday the 18th...

That makes no sense.  Most countries like here in the UK and the US we don't have a day off for an election.  Last time they had council elections they only had 40% turn out.  Pretty apathetic.  It's Iraq, they give them a day off.  Now Sudani says they have two days off, Monday and Tuesday.   Now we hear the whole bloody army's been called up on massive stay of alert. 

  I'm thinking these are council elections, no body give a fiddles fig about these things.  Very strange. I thought, hmmm, new small category notes, ATMs, a lot of people trying to get into a bank to change their notes...Thinking about it, they may want the army involved to protect movements of new notes and coins...The 20th they've got 5 days to spend the big chunk of the budget that's been sitting there waiting for over 11 months.  Why?  Because they don't want to spend it at 1300.  It's too expensive....It would seem perfect timing perhaps they mask these elections with something else which may or may not be the rate change and new small category notes.  That's my eye on the prize today.  Could be wrong.  Just my opinion.

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