Tuesday, December 5, 2023



  Still today I can't find any news so called restrictions removed.  No restrictions have been removed yet.

Article:  "Central Bank reveals two agreements during joint Iraqi delegation talks in Turkey
 This agreement with Turkey allows...merchants to purchase goods from each other's country using their own currency.  If I'm a merchant in Iraq and I want to buy goods from over there in Turkey to sell in my store I can purchase those goods using Iraqi dinars and vice versa.
  If I'm a merchant in Turkey and I want to buy some goods that I can sell in my store over here in Turkey I can use the Euro or the Lera and then the banks will settle the issue with the two currencies .  That's why they [the banks] do currency swaps.  These are pretty big hurdles Iraq has managed to get over.  Let's hope they continue down this path and nothing bad happens...

 Sovereignty means freedom.  That means you're in control.  Nobody else tells you what you can and can't do with your country, with your currency or anything else.  That's the whole purpose of sovereignty.  Iraq wants control of their currency.  This is what we want for them to do...We have to make sure the people that are in control don't screw things up...Let's hope Iraq is ready to do this because if not it really could be a major setback...

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