Friday, December 1, 2023



  In the article, they want to go and do this monetary sovereignty.  What do they have to do

 They have to eliminate the US dollar out of the public.  But the dollars they eliminate they want to put into their reserve.  So they're not de-dollarizing.  They're trying to build up their reserve and at the same time expand the supply times velocity of their currency... 


Article:  “Baghdad today - Baghdad Today, Friday (December 1, 2023), the National Public Retirement Authority announced the start of disbursing salaries to retirees next Sunday“  

Yes, that is this Sunday the 3rd.;   The reduction of the oil output by 650,000 barrels means an increase in the price of oil, higher rates in the dinar value will follow.;  Lastly, the official change in the auction practice stopping the auctions while the banks are NOW transferring dollars through the designated banks connected with Chase and Citibank started... All clear signs we will see our expected end, now IMO.

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