Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Iraq’s President Meets Palestinian Ambassador: A Sign of Unwavering Support, 5 DEC

 Iraq’s President Meets Palestinian Ambassador: A Sign of Unwavering Support

In a notable diplomatic maneuver, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, the President of the Republic, recently met with the Palestinian ambassador. The meeting was not just a routine diplomatic exchange but a reflection of Iraq’s unflinching support for the Palestinian cause. This encounter is seen as an affirmation of Iraq’s commitment to advocating for Palestinian rights and issues on the global stage.

An Echo of Solidarity

The reception of the Palestinian diplomat by Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid underscores the enduring diplomatic relations between Iraq and Palestine. But more than that, it stands as a testament to Iraq’s consistent position in supporting the Palestinian cause. This diplomatic engagement not only asserts the ties between the two nations but also throws light on Iraq’s role in the broader Arab and international support for Palestine.

Global Resonance

The significance of this meeting extends beyond the borders of the two nations. It highlights the critical role of diplomatic engagement in addressing the complex and sensitive Palestinian situation. In the larger context, it resonates with the international community’s collective effort to find a peaceful resolution to the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Parallel Developments

In a parallel development, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Iraq Office have renewed their partnership agreement. This agreement, supported by the Government of Iraq, is committed to establishing socio-economic infrastructure projects in the country. With an aim to improve national infrastructure, boost the economy, enhance public services in local communities, and engage the private sector, this partnership is a stride towards economic diversification and job creation. It advances Iraq’s journey towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Simultaneously, the war on the Gaza Strip has been a significant topic of discussion on the sidelines of the Dubai Climate Conference COP28. US Vice President Kamala Harris called attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, urging Israel to take more measures to protect them. This statement outlines the vision for Gaza in the aftermath of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.


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