Wednesday, December 20, 2023


  MarkZ   [via PDK]  

  Bank Story: From a member "I went into my local Chase bank to withdraw some cash and the teller asked me if I would wait one moment. I asked her if everything was all right with my account and she said yes.

 Moments later the bank manager approached me and introduced herself. She took me to her office and asked me if I still had the Vietnamese Dong that I had purchased. I told her yes…. She smiled and shook my hand and said she looks forward to doing business with me very soon.“  MarkZ:  I’m sure the teller had a notice flash on her screen telling her this customer purchased foreign currency.


 [Franklin Tennessee Bank Story]   

BANK STORY PERSON:  I'm a pastor south of Nashville...yesterday I thought I'm gonna do my due diligence and reach out to some of the banks in my area...The Franklin/Brentwood area south of Nashville is the richest county in the United States...The first bank was a Pinnacle Bank...the oldest bank in Nashville...I talked to the branch manager and she knew nothing...

She knew zero about it...I walked over to the Wells Fargo...I said I'm curious if you guys verify and exchange foreign currency her eyes lit up.   She said, which currency have you got?  I said the Iraqi dinar.  She said, sir we do not and the reason we do not is because there have been several times Wells Fargo has got burned by bad currency... 

 I thanked her for her time and I thought ok two strikes let's try Chase which is 50 yards away.  I walk into Chase in Franklin, Tennessee, asked for the branch manager...I said sir do you do anything with foreign currency?  He said yes we do.  He said which currency have you got.  I said the Iraqi dinar.  He said absolutely yes.  He was very excited about it.  We were standing right there in the middle of the lobby and he didn't try to hold back his facial expression, 

language or anything.  He said, yes, we would love to do business with you. 

FRANK:  Did he say anything else like yeah, we know or we're in preparation, we're getting ready

 Bank Story Man:  I said, how are you aware of that.  He said, we've been waiting for this to transpire...

 I said, depending on the amount dinar our group brings in to you, can you work with us on the transaction fee or even eliminate it?  He said sorry sir we are not...The way Chase has got it established...they have it baked in.  That was his exact words, baked in transaction fee into the rate...He can't change it.   I said so no matter what outlet...location or the amount of dinar?  He said that's right, it will not change. 

 FRANK:  What was that fee did he say

 BANK STORY MAN:  He said around 4%

 FRANK:  Wow, I've always said a fair rate is anything like 1%, 2% or 3%.  I guess they decided to go one more percent.  That's a lot of money. 

 BANK STORY MAN:  He said I also I want you to be aware of something. He said when you come in to do your exchange, he said realize we can only do $5,000 increments at a time


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