Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Baghdad to impose new measures to protect diplomatic missions, 12 DEC

 Baghdad to impose new measures to protect diplomatic missions, 12 DEC

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – The media advisor to the Prime Minister, Hisham Al-Rikabi, announced on Saturday the Iraqi government’s intention to take new security measures to protect diplomatic missions and the international coalition in Iraq.

Al-Rikabi’s statement comes one day after a missile bombardment targeted the US Embassy inside the Green Zone in central Baghdad.

The Iraqi official told Sputnik that the Iraqi government is committed to protecting diplomatic missions and the headquarters of the international coalition in the country, adding that there are measures that will be taken in this regard.

Al-Rikabi also elaborated that the Iraqi security agencies will continue to pursue anyone who tries to target the diplomatic missions and the international coalition.

Around seven mortar rounds landed in the US Embassy compound in Baghdad during an attack early on Friday, a US military official told Reuters.

Experts said that the attack is the largest of its kind against a US facility in Iraq.

A US defense official also mentioned that at least three missile and drone attacks targeted US forces in different sites in Syria, and two attacks against US personnel stationed in western Iraq took place on Friday.

Iraqi armed groups supported by Tehran have claimed responsibility for more than 70 similar attacks on American forces since October 17 in response to Washington’s support for Israel in its war in Gaza.

The attacks stopped during a recent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas but resumed after the end of the truce.


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