Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Al-Kadhimi: Iraq’s treatment of a basket of currencies reduces the dominance of the dollar and the government with an economic battle, 26 DEC

 Al-Kadhimi: Iraq’s treatment of a basket of currencies reduces the dominance of the dollar and the government with an economic battle, 26 DEC

{Economic: Al-Furat News} A member of the parliamentary financial committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, treated Iraq with a basket of currencies “reduces the dominance of the dollar,” while he waved to challenge the government with an economic battle.

Al-Kademi said, for the program of {State Dialogue} broadcast by the Al-Euphrates Satellite Channel this evening, that: “The committee hosted the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and a deputy for multiple sessions. The issue of the dollar was discussed, and the package of measures taken by him, the latest of which is the import of cash blocks of foreign currencies under certain conditions, in addition to the recent measures and the consensus with the US Federal to agree to deal with the UAE dirham, the euro, the Chinese yuan and the Indian ruppe, all contributed to reducing the exchange rate.”

He added, “Some banks have started to import the dollar, but they are not sufficient for the black market, and the sales of the central bank are large and we are surprised by their inadequacy for trade.”

Al-Kazimi pointed out that “the Finance Committee continues with the Central Bank and its follow-up and submitted proposals to take some of them and others are still in the bank’s commerge, including the industrial initiative, which will gradually work on some industries to become their production internally to reduce the demand for the dollar.”
He continued, “Control of customs and border crossings contributes to the stability of currency exchange internally, and the Central Bank, in cooperation with parliamentary finance, seeks to facilitate the work of Iraqi traders,” stressing “the need to start the allocation committees in the House of Representatives with their work, which is the responsibility of the heads of the committees.”

Al-Kazimi added, “The state of competition in the local market forces the trader to resort to the official price, and the regular distribution of the ration contributed to the stability of food prices,” calling on the Sudanese government to “address the Ministry of Commerce radically regarding the quality of the ratification items, which affects the lives of citizens.”
“There must be political solidarity and national vegetation; to bring back some industries and agriculture to promote the local market and imports should be controlled in order to strengthen Iraqi industry,” he continued.
Al-Kazemi pointed to “the reasons for the policy of the US federalism against Iraq as a matter of pressure on the Iraqi government for that central bank, explained these things and demanded that the Federal Reserve to explain the reason for the rejection of remittances without justification.”

He explained, “The regulation of financial transactions and foreign trade enhances Iraq’s position in financial politics, and Iraq must deal with a basket of currencies in addition to the dollar gradually so that it is not governed by federal instructions in addition to reducing import.”
“The government has a real battle to address the economic situation and the political blocs are required to strongly support this trend,” Al-Kazmi concluded.

From: Raghad Daham


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