Thursday, November 30, 2023

The coordination framework talks about the “possibility” of deciding on the selection of Al-Halbousi’s replacement before the local elections, 30 NOV

 The coordination framework talks about the “possibility” of deciding on the selection of Al-Halbousi’s replacement before the local elections, 30 NOV

The coordination framework talks about the possibility of deciding on the selection of Al-Halbousis replacement before the local electionsShafaq News/ The coordination framework, which brings together the Shiite political forces, confirmed today, Wednesday, that there is a possibility of deciding the selection of the new speaker of parliament, before the governorate council elections scheduled for next December 18.
The leader in the framework, Hassan Fadaam, told Shafaq News Agency, “There is a possibility of deciding the election of the new speaker of the House of Representatives before the governorate council elections, and the political forces in general, and not the coordination framework, are in dialogue and studying setting a date for holding an extraordinary session of Parliament to elect the new president, especially since there is no “There is no interest in obstructing the resolution of this important entitlement.”
He added, “There is no division within the coordination framework regarding the names nominated for the position of Speaker of Parliament, especially since the framework is not a political alliance, but rather a coordination meeting between the Shiite forces, to coordinate positions, determine the compass for political action and the interests of Iraq, and take the necessary steps to support the government.”
He continued, “There are different views among the forces of the coordination framework regarding the names nominated for the position of Speaker of Parliament, and perhaps the framework does not fully support one person and the framework may have two or more opinions, but now the coordination framework is studying the nominated names, and will soon inform the Sunni political forces of its opinion.”
The leader in the coordination framework concluded by saying, “Every political party in the framework is free to support any candidate it deems appropriate, and the decision remains within the House of Representatives through voting and any candidate obtaining a majority of the votes.”
The Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives decided to officially terminate the membership of Council Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi, based on the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, as of the fourteenth of November 2023.
On Tuesday, November 14, the Federal Supreme Court, “the highest judicial authority in Iraq,” announced the termination of the membership of Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi, against the backdrop of a lawsuit filed against him by Representative Laith Al-Dulaimi, in which he accused him of forging his (Al-Dulaimi’s) resignation from membership in the House of Representatives. As a result, the Federal Court ruled to terminate their membership (Al-Halbousi and Al-Dulaimi).

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