Thursday, November 16, 2023



Did you hear the recent news in Iraq? The speaker of the house Muhammad al-Halbousi, today, Tuesday was ousted from his speaker position and now they have to select another speaker. Does this parallel to the U.S. politics sound familiar? Does it sound weird? Can you see God’s Hand at work here? The prophets told us the corrupt will be unseated, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Even the Iraqi people see this as kind of “strange”.

I quote from today’s article – “Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad al-Halbousi, today, Tuesday, considered the Federal Supreme Court’s decision to terminate his membership in the Council “strange,””.

I have to say this is the most obvious since the US House of Congress also just ousted the house speaker Kevin McCarthy and replaced him with Mike Johnson.

Still don’t believe me that there are parallels going on between these two countries to clean up the corruption? Still don’t believe me that this corruption must be dealt with in order for us to see the RV we want? Think about all the corruption just since last January and the changes made in dealing with the dollar.

I quote from a couple very recent articles – “The National Security Agency announced on Wednesday the arrest of one of the “most dangerous” speculators and smugglers of tens of millions of dollars a day”. Then last week there was this article and I quote – “Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi spoke today, Wednesday (November 15, 2023), about the routes and methods of smuggling oil and its derivatives from Kurdistan to Iran and Turkey.”

Wednesday intel call to my contact at the CBI:

Okay, so I had my normal Wednesday call to Iraq. I wanted to come to you  today also to fill everyone in on what was said-  

I was told there was a TV media output broadcast that told the citizens the official rate of the dinar would be over $1 in the coming days. Thy used the PM Al-Sudani in a speech like format to explain most of it. I was promised a video of the speech and so I wait for it. This was part of the committee team work to set all this up. This is part of the education process. So, it did begin. It is mid-November as they previously told us it would.

I don’t know exactly what “coming days” means and so I asked. I was told that the process of the revaluation is now in motion and they expect to begin issuing the newer lower denominations to the banks in exchange for the larger 3 zero notes they have collected in accounts very soon. Also, when they do distribute the lower denominations to the public for circulation, they will start at the airports first so anyone coming into Iraq can exchange whatever foreign currency they do have for Iraq dinars and vice versa, as they are only going to use dinars exclusively as of January 1st, 2024 in Iraq. This is also why they needed and allowed to let the banks  now hold other foreign currencies besides dollars. 

For example:

If you are visiting Iraq coming from Venezuela why would you need Bolivar in Iraq if merchants and hotels in Iraq only take Dinars? So, you would not.  You would exchange your Bolivars for Dinars just like you would do in any other country either before your trip, at the airport when you arrive, or you find a bank when you arrive. Welcome Iraq to the real world….at last!!!!

For example:

I visit family in the U.S. and have made many trips back to America from Germany, as I only married a German man but I am American. We use the Euro in Germany, but when I take trip to America, I know I will need US dollars since dollars is what merchants take in America. Why would I take Euros to use in the U.S. since no one wants them or will take them. So, I either exchange my Euros for U.S. Dollars at Deutsche Bank in Germany prior to my trip to the US or at a U.S. airport when I arrive or also sometimes just take out cash dollars using an ATM once in the US by using my international VISA card.

So, knowing all this, Iraq is just moving now to standard protocol in money exchanging. This is such fantastic news. As of January 2024 there will be no more program rate. Get it? There will be no more dollars taken by any merchant in Iraq.

But what is the timing of the switchover, I asked?

First let me say it is not going to be a sudden switchover all at once, as many of us anticipated. I was told it would be more gradual and has already begun. So, there is no turning back. They would not give me a target but just said in the ‘coming days” again to me. They said it would be gradual and fan out from the airports. This made total sense to me, so I didn’t question it. But it was a little different then I imagined. 

It seemed my contact in the CBI was bragging about the final steps and paperwork for the full membership of Iraq to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to look for the official announcement this week or sometime next week. But it is completed. I asked if Iraq needs an international rate of the dinar in order for full membership. I was told and I quote from my source – “Iraq needed a tradable international currency”. I asked if this means liberated back on FOREX trading and was told YES! So, We are VERY close! 😊  These two events are converging (WTO and Reinstatement). 

Based on this latest conversation with my CBI contact, it could be said that they might be planning to RV prior to January, but personally I do not see it until January but who knows after this conversation. But don’t be fooled by all the final steps they are now taking lining up to the final target of January 2024. They might surprise us before, but I am skeptical. I will tell you I have never received such good information before and I don’t believe my contact would ever lie to me.

So, based on this information the climax in the US politics must also happen this month or very shortly, as the prophets have been talking about now almost daily. Something must break with all the corruption happening there too.

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