Wednesday, November 1, 2023



I first want to make it VERY, VERY clear to everyone that the IQD is NOT yet reinstated on FOREX. Read my lips “NOT YET TRADING ON FOREX”. Yes, if you go to FOREX there is a benchmark rate for the IQD but it is a linked rate only, linked back to the CBI. It is a page holder. Get it? All you gurus idiots out there please stop hyping this us and using it to convince people that the dinar is back on FOREX. Your version of the story it is very deceptive and divisive.

Yes, this is still a very good thing and I don’t want to down play it either. But let’s present it to our listeners as it really is. The IQD rate is there as it is only in preparation for the future. But there is not yet any trading ability to buy or sell. Get it? No one is trading the IQD. The rate of the IQD is now still solely affected by the US dollars in the parallel market within Iraq and only within Iraq. Even though they CBI officially took the dinar off the de facto peg to the US dollar it is still being affected by speculation, yes pure speculation and nothing more.

I can hardly believe that anyone can’t see this or understand it. So why are many gurus telling you the IQD is back on FOREX? They even tell you there are high rates on FOREX. Really? Is IQD 1320 : USD 1  (about 1/6 of a penny) high? Unbelievable bullshit!  

Are the OFAC sanctions still in affect by the US Treasury on the IQD? Yes, and with the conflicts now going on in the middle east there may be even more delays in the process going forward with the project to delete the zeros and the reinstatement. We only have to pray and wait. In the end it I all going to be okay and we will be at the bank exchanging. But we must let God’s Hand do it work as this is very messy with all the turmoil the deep state has caused to try to take over the planet. They are manipulating events and it should be very obvious to everyone by now. Folks, these events and crises after crises just don’t happen. They are well orchestrated and planned and we must all understand this. We must stop being victims to the crises and stand up to them. But to do this you must first realize just who the real perpetrators are and what are their ultimate goals. You must open your mind and look at reality and stop drinking the blue cool aid of the leftist and FAKE news media channels. This is how we got the world in the mess to begin with. We trusted people to govern us and see what they are doing to us? They are screwing us once we gave them our trust.

I still plan to make my Wednesday call to my CBI contact and so I will pass on to you what I here in my Thursday Newsletter.

Now on with the REAL news for today.

In the continuing effort to rein in the dollar, on Saturday, government banks began launching the “Electronic Reservation Service” (ERS) to sell the dollar to travelers at the official price set by the Central Bank of Iraq of 1,320 dinars. The Rasheed and Rafidain government banks have identified a special mechanism to obtain the dollar through advance electronic reservation, with each traveler’s share amounting to 3,000 thousand dollars. This may sound terrific except that there are snags to the new software and it is not compatible with the needs of the banks and consumers. It is limited daily transactions. Obviously this is not the total answer but I believe they are getting close to getting a handle on these dollars. Bu this is also a good sign that the banks themselves are now taking a hand in an attempt to find solutions and not leaving it all to the CBI.

So, today Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received the Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Abbas Aliabadi, and discussed economic relations between the two countries, and ways to enhance them and strengthen exchange and partnership at various levels and fields. The meeting witnessed discussion of the possibility of moving towards using the national currencies of the two countries in trade exchange and bilateral financial transfers, in order to have more flexibility in dealing, for the benefit of the two countries. 

These two countries will need alternative currencies if Iraq is truly going to ditch the dollar and currency auctions in January 2024. For us investors this is a huge, huge undertaking for Iraq and just what we want. Right? Yes, we have waiting so long to hear this news. Even though this is not brand new news, it is still all very good they are now negotiating this move again as it is November and January is just around the corner. Will they actually do it? You can read the full article in the Articles Section of today’s Newsletter.

A year has ended since the Sudanese government took over, which was formed after months of crisis of political events. Remember? Then in order to take power promises were made. After which came a government curriculum that included addressing many unresolved files. What was in one of these files? According to the representatives, there are projects that have not been completed and the dollar is still stronger than the dinar, which means the problems of the economic file will continue.

Oh…did they just say and I quote – “there are projects that have not been completed and the dollar is still stronger than the dinar. “

You can read the full article in the Articles Section of today’s Newsletter. But I want to address this part and what I just quoted from the article. It is about the government curriculum and in particular the dinar becoming stronger than the dollar. Yes, this does appear to be a goal of Al-Sudani as part of his curriculum. Something that he signed on to do as part of taking on the assignment of prime minister. In other words in his ”to do list”.

Remember he has repeatedly said that the dinar is stronger than the dollar. And he is correct too and I showed you many times already with proof. So what else does this part of his curriculum tell us? It also tells us he is on board with the CBI goals. They are working together to bring back the dinar. This is very important as through the years many of these directors of the CBI have not been working with the government on this matter. Do you see it now that this revaluation is a target for Al-Sudani and a partnership with the CBI. The fact that we have heard so many articles and continue to read so many articles on the process of “de-dollarization” is very important.

So, we now know that Al-Sudani’s curriculum is not a five year project and we hav proof. We don’t need stupid intel guru over speculation or hype. We have the proof. But still when will this occur?

They even told us just recently that they wanted to conclude this within a year. A year? Yes, a process that normally could take 6 years. So, we are not talking about waiting much longer. My contact from the CBI has told me and I have told you also that January 2024 is their target and is the best most opportune time to reinstate the dinar. In my last conversation with my contact I was told they were given the green light to begin the re-education criteria to teach the citizens about the newer lower denominations and how the conversion back to the lower denominations as they had before 2004 is going to take place. This is begin in November. Something we must watch for.

Now with this Israeli terrorism and instigation of with Hamas by Iran what will happen to the process? Will it get stalled again? Many say the US Treasury wants to reinstate the dinar. Really? That’s not what my CBI contact is telling me. In fact, it is just the opposite. They have been the largest obstacle to the process. Only since January of this year have they supported the RV process in a real way and not just talk. So, things have changed in this direction too. But first things first, as my CBI contact keeps telling me. Some of these intel gurus are telling us that the lower denominations are in the ATMs at the airports. Really? My CBI contact told me these are just the 250, 500 and 1000 lower denominations and not what we are looking for. So these idiot guru better start paying attention to what is actually being told to them and start asking the right questions of their contacts in Iraq, if they even have any real contacts… 😊

What else is in the news?

Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, received on Saturday, the European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Thomas Seiler. During the meeting, bilateral relations between Iraq and the European Union were reviewed, and ways to strengthen them in a way that achieves mutual economic benefits.

Also the Iraqi Director General of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations at the Ministry of Trade Riyadh Fakher Al-Hashemi discussed with the Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (Xiangchen Zhang) at the headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva Iraq’s full accession to the organization.

The ministry said in a statement that “Al-Hashemi reviewed in the meeting Iraq’s current efforts and plan for the next stage in completing the technical files required to be submitted to the organization’s secretariat and preparing them in accordance with the conditions of the organization and fruitful cooperation with international organizations supporting Iraq’s accession to the organization and its quest to obtain full membership in the organization.

Remember they did tell us they are “fast tracking” Iraq to full accession. Are they already fully a member? Well this article tells us otherwise and so we must listen to what they are telling us. There is still work to be done but it sounds like they are down to the very last of the requirements and paperwork. This could happen prior to the end of this year.

So, all the news today is very favorable. Yes, there were multiple bombings on US forces in and around the Kurdistan region. So, I don’t think the US is going to rush to sign off on the reinstatement of the dinar right now. Also, we all have heard of efforts to totally oust the US forces out of Iraq. I believe the current US forces are not so much there to protect Iraq as they are using its bases as a place of operations against Syria and terrorist organizations in other countries. This can all change very suddenly as the situation in the middle east is very fluid. Let’s just wait and see how it all plays out.

I am still being very hopeful for a January 2024 reinstatement. If the CBI begins their re-education campaign in November this will be a good sign for us they are moving ahead again. There is still plenty of time to work on the process. I am told they can do it in two months. But as investors we must be patient too. I know it has been a long ride so far. But today’s news has solidified any OPINIONS into FACT that the RV/Reinstatement is part of Al-Sudani’s curriculum and not just some intel guru hype. But we must remember too that first things first.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...