Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Sandy Ingram 

 Article:  "Inflation rate in Iraq declines in 2023 compared to 2022

 The Central Bank of Iraq announced the inflation rate decreased in 2023 compared to 2022.  Inflation in Iraq reached approximately 3.7% in August 2023, compared to 4.4% in August 2022.  Iraq's inflation rate is good compared to many countries where inflation has reached 30% and 40%...

Wealthy Iraqis move to the Caribbean.  Guess who's on the list?  ...The leader of the Kurdistan region and the former governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and other businessmen suspected of corruption...Iraq's politician are monitored by the organized Crime and Corruption Report Project (OCCRP)...This is part of the effort to catch

individual involved in corruption....The project reported the purchase of Dominica (tiny Caribbean island) citizenship...enabling them to travel worldwide without a Visa...This country's visa is magical.  Citizens can travel to 144 countries without a visa..

 The country has no tax on foreign income, capital gains, inheritance, stock profits, wealth or gifts...The former Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, obtained Dominica citizenship in 2017 along with his wife and two children and did not renounce it upon his appointment as governor of the CBI which was clear violation of article 18 paragraph 4 of the Iraqi Constitution.  He held the position of governor of the Central Bank of Iraq from September 2020 until his removal by the current prime minister on January 23, 2023...

There are corruption questions...a legal complaint... has been filed due to the loss and depletion of millions of dollars regarding forged import documents.

  The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.   It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history.

 The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.  It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...

The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history...

Article:   "Good News for Investors:  US Treasury Continues to Omit Vietnam Currency Off Currency Manipulator's List"  

 Vietnam was not included on the US Treasury Department currency manipulators list this time.   The list comes out twice a year and includes countries that may have surpassed the value of their currency.  When a country does this it cheats investors on potential profits...Iraq is rebuilding after the war so is not yet subject to currency manipulation lists...

  On Wednesday the Prime Minister of Iraq's advisor took the lead from the Central Bank of Iraq and announced Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history and that the exchange rate treatment package aims to prevent profiteering at the expense of the economy...

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...