Monday, November 20, 2023



 Article:  "Changes in business dealings...Iraq replaces the dollar with other currencies to stabilize the dinar"  

All this is good news but it's going to take a little time for some of this to be implemented.  What I'm looking forward to is seeing how Iraq does in the first quarter of next year because by then all the kinks should have been worked out of these programs implemented and we should start to see the results in the first quarter of 2024.

 Iraq is rocking and rolling on infrastructure.  This is going provide a lot of jobs.  This is going to start really opening up the economy for Iraq...Things are starting to rock and roll, let's hope nothing spoils it...

Article: "Iraqi banks begin straightening their accounts in UAE dirhams next week"  

There you go next week they start a different currency swap.  This one is now going to be with the UAE.  They're currently working on India as well...This is...necessary for them to do business with one another...These currency swaps can start happening but in order for us to see any real results it's going to take at least the rest of the year for this thing to get ironed out and implemented...The end of the first quarter of 2024...we'll start to see some results.

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