Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Parliamentary calls to expand the “currency basket” to escape the consequences of the dollar, 21 NOV

Parliamentary calls to expand the “currency basket” to escape the consequences of the dollar

Representative Salem Al-Anbuki stressed, on Tuesday, Iraq’s need to increase the size of the financial basket of foreign currencies other than the dollar to end American hegemony.

Al-Anbuki said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The restrictions on the circulation of the dollar in Iraq have created recurring economic crises, especially since Washington uses it from time to time as a pressure card, not in the country but in other countries, which increases the burden on the markets and led to the emergence of the parallel market that is behind the increase in burdens.” Finance on millions of Iraqis.

He added, "Iraq has realized the importance of creating a basket of other currencies besides the dollar to get rid of its restrictions, especially since it has large trade with countries such as China and India, which gives high flexibility in providing the funds necessary for imports without going through the complexities of transferring the dollar."

He pointed out that "many countries, some of which are oil-based, have begun to diversify the currencies in their financial reserves in order to provide greater flexibility in providing funds for import purposes away from the restrictions of the dollar."

The US Treasury created crises inside the country because of its restrictions on the transfer of the dollar to Baghdad and the imposition of sanctions on some banks. link

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