Saturday, November 18, 2023


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Fri. 17 Nov. TNT: Everything is Super Fantastic. In Iraq, they expected the new rate would go on Forex today Fri. 17 Nov, and it still could after the markets close, by tomorrow morning Sat. 18 Nov. The banks have been told they’re not working this weekend, but have been told the exchanges will begin before Thanksgiving nextThurs. 23 Nov. The 3-letter agencies are on 12-hour shifts at the highest alert possible, ready for it to go any minute. They’re saying it’s happening right now, moving through the system, and that they’re just waiting for it to get to them to push the go button. …A good source says, “All is ready, just waiting on the go signal. All systems are ready. No hold ups in sight. Agency folks are on high alert.”
  • Thurs. 16 Nov. Bruce: Bank Compliance with the ISO20022 was activated on Wed. 15 Nov. and will be implemented at ten min to midnight on Sat. night 18 Nov. By Sun. 19 Nov. midnight it will be fully implemented. All new currency rates will be on the Forex on Sun. 19 Nov. The new Iraqi Dinar rate will be published in their Gazette on Fri. 17 Nov. or Sat. 18 Nov. Tier4b could get notified tomorrow Fri. 17 Nov.  and will certainly be notified by Mon. 20 Nov. at the very latest. Exchanges will go through the end of the month and forward to Fri. 1 Dec. There are a number of Admiral Groups and they have a treaty with Iraq on the Iraqi Dinar. They will be the first to have exchanges in the US. Today a high up source in Wells Fargo said that the Admirals Group will start overnight tonight or tomorrow Fri. 17 Nov. A communication that originated from Brazil said that South America will be sending out notification to their Tier 4b today Thurs. 16 Nov.
  • Thurs. 16 Nov. Wolverine: The largest wealth transfer in history is about to begin! Military operation to shut down the Central Bank system! With currency resets set to begin by major banks on Sun. 19 Nov, payments for Tier4b will also be able to begin all at once. A start has been confirmed for Brazil and the US, while Colombia has already started.
  • QFS Up and Running, GESARA Soon:

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