Monday, November 6, 2023


 Judy Note: 

Countries of the BRICS Alliance were soon activating their gold/asset-backed currencies as a result of the demise of the privately owned fiat US Federal Reserve Dollar and their quest for Global financial stability. This would cut off the Vatican’s Khazarian Mafia’s US Inc. money supply – which would mean an end to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS or Central Banks), UN, European Crown (EU) and Vatican – and reason why banks all over the World were failing this coming week, including the Deep State owned Central Banks.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Sun. 5 Nov. Texas Snake: “I received the call this morning. We should see our messages within a matter of days this week. (Later on Sunday) I have even more confirmation regarding this being our week. My confirmation could come any time before Tues. so please remain alert.”
  • Sat. 4 Nov. TNT RayRen98: CBI to make some kind of an announcement tomorrow Sun 5 Nov. Zain Card to be reactivated.
  • Sat. 4 Nov. Credit Crisis is about to trigger a flood of bankruptcies:
  • Mark Z bank story: In Scottsdale [Arizona] there is a TruWest Credit Union ATM in the facility.  A rep comes to service the machine.  This person [name withheld by Mark] who works in the building is familiar with this ATM repairperson and asks him, “When are you bringing the new money for the machine?” He smiles and says, “Not yet.” So the person asks, “In December?” He replies that he doesn’t know when, but soon. Mark: In other words, they have already started the preparation process for these banks and the ATMs. And getting someone admitting in real life that they are preparing for it… To me, that was a lovely bank story.
  • As of Sat. 4 Nov.  Gold backed countries (BRICS) were paying with their own currency for trading. This will greatly affect the value of the already fiat US Dollar.
  • Fri. 3 Nov. TNT: A lot of things are happening that pertain to the RV. Banks received memos on Wednesday, Thursday and today in black-and-white- “The Event” is happening. Banks were told that things are in motion ahead of them & going by levels, and waiting to get to them. But it’s in motion. Yesterday, Tony had the champagne out and ready because he was given a two hour window last night. There is another two hour window tonight. He has been told the window but he cannot tell us. But it is supposed to go tonight Fri. 3 Nov to Sat. 4 Nov. His tonight means anytime after 4 PM until 8 AM. Rates are great. Banks are ready. A three letter agency brought their people in last night thinking it was going to go. Hoping it’s tonight. Everyone is on alert – banks, agencies, Treasury.  
  • Fri. 3 Nov. 10:42 am: Dubai International Financial Center gave Greenlight for XRP.
  • Fri. 3 Nov. TNT RayRen98 on Nader from the Middle East and Clare: Bank staff received “Get Ready” memos this morning (Fri. 3 Nov). They’ve been excited all day.
  • Thurs. 2 Nov. Bruce: Two different banks reported that the window for exchanges to start was from now to Tues. 7 Nov. The window for notification to make exchange/ redemption appointments were from after 5 pm Fri. 3 Nov. to Tues. 7 Nov. mid morning. Other sources said notifications and appointments should occur in the next couple of days.
  • Arte on Telegram: “Ok guys I sat down with one of my banks branch managers today. They are Basel 3 and 4 compliant.  I asked her about the RV and she said she just got an email coming through that said the Tues. 7 Nov. She’s checking in with her higher ups getting back to me.  Her response was, how do you know all this?  Lol hooowhooo let’s go!”
  • Huge Update! The Unstoppable Force of QFS That’s About to Engage 8 Billion People Worldwide! – Gazetteller

Recent GCR History:

  • Overnight Sun. 15 Oct. the Banks completed the remaining layers of payments, plus the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.
  • By Mon. 16 Oct. the Iraqi Dinar had revalued and began trading on the back screens of the Forex.
  • On Thurs. 26 Oct. President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered.
  • On Fri. 27 Oct. the US began pulling 3,600 US troops out of Iraq so Iraq could declare themselves a Sovereign Nation, while the new rate of the Dinar was said to have gone International, although had yet to show on the front screens of the Forex.
  • Fri. 27 Oct. Alex Collier: “The Dinar went international on Fri. 27 Oct. and on that same Friday they began pulling 3,600 US troops out of Iraq so Iraq could declare Iraq a Sovereign Nation. Two days ago President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered.”
  • Craig Wilson: “On Mon. 30 Oct. it was reported that about a week ago, the Iraqi GOI and the CBI, released to the US Treasury, the NEW International Exchange Rate! This came from an Iraqi Bank Partner of a bank here in the USA! It is also believed that the US Treasury has started some exchange steps with the CBI of some of the Iraqi Dinar that the US Treasury holds in its reserves! Sorry it’s not on ABC or NBC or any Fake Stream News yet, but it is from a source that IMO has credible information! That is all, carry on!!
  • Around Mon. 30 Oct. the country of Columbia revalued their currency – so now we have at least two countries – Iraq and Columbia – which have revalued their currencies, perhaps more.
  • Oct. 31 All Hallows Eve was when Middle Eastern nations no longer accepting the fiat Petro US Dollar for oil trade, was expected to soon cause a devastating Stock Market Crash – bringing in the need for a Global Currency Reset.
  • Wed. 1 Nov. Kurdistan: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced its decision to exclusively adopt the Iraqi Dinar for all transactions at border crossings and airports, effective on Wed. 1 Nov.
  • Tues. 31 Oct. Mr. Salvage on Telegram: There was a report that “The Paymaster of New York Michael J. Rubin said that everything was done. All money was in all banks and ready to go. All codes were in. The nation of Colombia was already liquid. Just have patience. We are there.”
  • No Digital Currency for the Deep State Cabal’s Central Banks: On Fri. 3 Nov. the House Financial Services Committee passed a bill to prevent the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank digital currency.
  • Fri. 3 Nov. QFS NEWS: All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS – Start Getting Hold of the ISO 20022 XLM and XRP – 7 Billion People Will Inevitably Transition to the QFS – American Media Group (

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...