Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 11/01/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning and Welcome to November

Member: Another month gone….another month of hoping starts

Member: kinda lost hope but some feel something big is going to happen soon

Member: Never give in, never give up, never bow down.

Member: Well if the dollar is dead for purchase of oil … I’d say it’s imminent.

MZ: I agree

MZ:  I have not heard from Iraqi sources in the sandbox yet today….I know they had high anticipation for the 1st. I was hoping to hear something by now. 

MZ: This is an older article but its’s important……..”70% of Iraq’s imports comes from BRICS countries”  This is key to how they operate and what’s important to them.  Commodities are important and a lack of sanctions. Who do they work with day in and day out? - BRICS Nations.

MZ: “BRICS Bank is positioning itself alongside IMF and World Bank” This is a big one. 

Member: if Iraq goes to BRICS could we miss out on the RV.?

Member: The rate would still be international….so  imo-we won’t miss out…..imo….we would just exchange into fiat -not asset backed USN’s.

Member: I heard Iraq is applying to the WTO today. Presumably meeting over the next 3 days. 

MZ: They have already applied….they have already been approved for ascension…but, it hasn’t happened….so these 3 days of meetings are very important. 

Member: Don’t they have to change the rate before Iraq joins the WTO?

MZ: That’s what everyone says. This is assumed by almost everybody that Iraq will need to change their rate before they join the World Trade Organization. . . 

MZ: “As of early next month (November-starting today..) Kurdistan adopts the Iraqi Dinar in the transactions of crossings and airports” This is more de-dollarization and its big news as it’s the Kurdistan region.  

MZ: Here is another one that is putting pressure on this “re-valuation ” Amid war on Gaza –Egypt see highest exchange rate on US dollar in black market”  So in the middle east the dollar is gaining and will cause regional issues and inflation. They are painting themselves in a corner without a reset. They need rate changes. 

Member: (From Dinar Guru)  Mnt Goat   I...want to make it VERY, VERY clear to everyone that the IQD is NOT yet reinstated on FOREX...“NOT YET TRADING ON FOREX”. Yes, if you go to FOREX there is a benchmark rate for the IQD but it is a linked rate only, linked back to the CBI.  It is a page holder. Yes, this is still a very good thing and I don’t want to down play it either...The IQD rate is there...only in preparation for the future. But there is not yet any trading ability to buy or sell.

MZ: That is spot on-dead on accurate. 

Member: I keep thinking about how they made a budget for 2023, 24, 25...why would they go through that and not use it? Currency is safely stashed. It's all good

Member: Articles out saying they may close the US embassy in Iraq. 

MZ: That doesn’t surprise me. What has the US done for the Iraqi people? I do not think we have handled things like we should have due to corruption or ineptness. 

Member: I think it will happen in January. 

MZ: I feel it will be much sooner….so much happening now and all at one time. 

Member: Excited to see Frank this evening he said no suit he will be standing and it will be about ten mins long

Member: MM says they need to go now because they have a goal to be 100% off US$ by Jan 1.

Member: Militia Man thinks around Nov 4-7

Member: WOLVIE spoke with bank manager in Sydney and they confirmed they were basel 3 &4 compliant and confirmed RV whispers and asked how he knew so much ???

Member: I went to my bank's ATM last night and there is a note on it saying only $20 bills are available until further notice. Interesting. Also -it's a new ATM, just installed over the last week. NV

Member: This has always been waiting on the whole shibang!….we are right on target. This is obviously a master story plan, that the whole world is living through..

MZ: I agree:

Member: Who are the 5 people who know when the RV will happen?

MZ: Well the obvious one is the “Golden Dragon” and we know he is one of them. We assume one is the person we know as “Frenchie” who is responsible for a whole lot of this and logistics. Another runs banking  …so I can identify 3 of them and have spoken with 2 out of that 3 in the past . 

Member: I believe things did happen last night behind the scenes and we can’t see it yet. 

MZ: That is possible 

Member: Who and why is this being dragged out?

Member: That Dinar rate can change in a blink of an eye ! Any minute any second

Member: Thanks to all……see you tonight where we hope to hear big news. 

Member: Thank you Mark for your continued efforts you provide to encourage us.

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information. 


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