Monday, November 13, 2023

A Representative Talks About Several Reasons Behind The Dollar Crisis And Identifies The “Most Dangerous” Of Them., 13 NOV

 A Representative Talks About Several Reasons Behind The Dollar Crisis And Identifies The “Most Dangerous” Of Them.

Baghdad today – Baghdad   Today, Sunday (November 12, 2023), the representative in the Iraqi Parliament, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, considered that there are several reasons behind the dollar crisis in Iraq, but the most prominent of them is the American prevention of financing the Central Bank of Iraq with all its dollar needs.

Al-Baldawi said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the rise in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market has multiple dimensions, but the most important reason for it is America’s deliberate failure to disburse Iraq’s dollar dues and deliberately delaying them. That is, we are facing direct intervention by Washington in a financial file accompanied by threats.” Imposing sanctions on the central bank.

He added, "All that is happening are means of pressure adopted by the White House towards Iraq in order to achieve several goals, the most prominent of which is making Baghdad a prisoner of its plans in the region."

He pointed out that "America must realize that what it does in Iraq and other countries will ultimately reflect on it, and trying to exploit the economic dimension to harm countries will not achieve anything, especially since world opinion has become dissatisfied with its positions, especially in the recent Gaza events, which provided a cover for the Zionist entity to exterminate an entire people." With American-made missiles.

In contrast to this opinion, the Central Bank administration reiterates from time to time that the dollar is available and there is no shortage of it, and that what is happening is the presence of suspicious trades and operations to obtain the dollar and smuggle it to other countries.

The Central Bank confirms that it is able to meet all “transparent and legitimate” requests for the dollar, whether for import or cash requests, provided that they are legitimate and reveal the ultimate beneficiary to whom this dollar will reach.

However, observers believe that this is relatively inconsistent with the recent trend of the Central Bank to allow banks to import foreign currency from abroad, meaning that it suggests that the Central Bank is facing difficulty in obtaining dollars from the US Federal Bank.   LINK

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