Tuesday, October 3, 2023



  ...a few sources are traveling back to Iraq later this week in the hopes that this is “it” for them. This is encouraging and we will see if it is accurate...

 Hearing some pretty interesting stuff…including confirmations from banks...This comes from different sources... Many of the foreign currencies that we have been look for and talking about are now showing on bank screens. This came after the weekend forex updates.

 We believe this is fantastic news...I had a number of bankers reach out …ones that had always questioned and doubted me…saying they think I am right and this is about to go. I am getting excited about this …even though we don’t know the exact timing. Question:  Could it be this week?  Absolutely...We are still looking for announcements out of Iraq on the 3rd or the 4th….most likely the 4th...

 ...One of my contractor sources verified that yes, HCL money is indeed moving & people are getting paid...one was told to hang onto as much as he could because they are expecting a value change in the very near future...So is it possible this week?  Absolutely. Things are lining up.  Lots of comments going on for this week ...and we are expecting some announcements out of Iraq on Wednesday on that front...

 I continue to hear we will not have taxes on this exchange. I suggest everyone plan on having taxes…but hopefully there will be none.  [NOTE:  Some gurus feel this will be taxed as ordinary income, others feel capital gains.  The only opinion that matters is the IRS's. Always consult with your tax professionals at the appropriate time to figure out the right tax for your unique situation.]

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