Monday, October 2, 2023



  ...One of my contractor sources verified that yes, HCL money is indeed moving & people are getting was told to hang onto as much as he could because they are expecting a value change in the very near future...So is it possible this week?  Absolutely. Things are lining up.  Lots of comments going on for this week ...and we are expecting some announcements out of Iraq on Wednesday on that front...

 I continue to hear we will not have taxes on this exchange. I suggest everyone plan on having taxes…but hopefully there will be none.  [NOTE:  Some gurus feel this will be taxed as ordinary income, others feel capital gains.  The only opinion that matters is the IRS's. Always consult with your tax professionals at the appropriate time to figure out the right tax for your unique situation.]

Question:  Does the RV (Revaluation) have to happen before Iraq ascends to the World Trade organization on Oct. 4th?  Not...but the dinar has to be a fully accepted international currency all around the world without any restrictions…this would be a massive change.

  I am continuing to hear very positive stuff on expectations of a rate change. They are giving us dates from this weekend to sometime in the first week of October.

The Hydo Carbon Law...Its where they share money, profits, revenues from oil-natural gas etc…with the citizens of Iraq including the Kurdish region. We have been told for many years this is a key piece. And Very soon after the HCL was implemented we were told that we would see the dinar value changes. 

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