Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Sudanese Is In New York And The Dollar Is On Fire In The Market.. Will The Visit To America Affect The Exchange Rate?, 20 SEPT

The Sudanese Is In New York And The Dollar Is On Fire In The Market.. Will The Visit To America Affect The Exchange Rate?

Posted On2023-09-19 By Sotaliraq   The Sudanese is in New York and the dollar is on fire in the market.. Will the visit to America affe Today, Tuesday (September 19, 2023), financial expert Saleh Al-Banari read the expected results and files of the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani and sent 4 American messages to the Iraqi Prime Minister during his visit to New York to attend the United Nations sessions.

The banker said in an interview, “The attendance of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani at the United Nations sessions in New York is important on multiple levels, including economic ones, especially since there is a long list of meetings with heads of state and organizations, some of which are concerned with the economic, humanitarian, and human rights sectors.”

He added, “The turnout of American delegations with multiple addresses to the Sudanese meeting confirms the importance of the files at hand, especially with regard to the economic aspect as it is the most important in the relationship between Baghdad and Washington,” pointing out that “the latter will send, according to the readings, 4 important messages, which is the need for the Central Bank and banks to comply with the rules of dollar transfers.” In terms of knowing its movement, tracking it, and not dealing with countries subject to sanctions through the SWIFT system.”

He pointed out that “the American side will push for the need for Baghdad to make greater efforts to prevent smuggling and speculation related to the dollar and provide advice in this regard,” pointing out that “Washington will not interfere in reducing the exchange rate of the dollar in Iraq, but rather leave the options to the Sudanese government because it is committed to the issue of combating smuggling and controlling the pace of Remittances are what drives the stability of the parallel market and thus reduces the dollar exchange rate.”

He continued, “The dollar file in Iraq is complicated, especially with the presence of a large difference between the official price for selling it by the Central Bank and what is announced in the parallel market,” pointing out that “the Sudanese visit will not affect the exchange rates, but rather will remind the American side of the need to support Baghdad.” In measures to limit smuggling.”

The dollar exchange rates in Iraqi local markets are witnessing unstable jumps until they approached 160 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, in conjunction with information about American intentions to impose sanctions on new banks that are not committed to the terms of transferring and financing trade using the dollar.

Al-Sudani left for New York to attend the United Nations sessions, where he will deliver a speech before the United Nations General Assembly reviewing Iraq's regional and international positions and internal policy.

 The meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, in its 78th session, will begin from Tuesday, 19 until September 23, as world leaders search for solutions to global challenges and participate in order to enhance peace and security, while this session bears the title of rebuilding confidence, restoring global solidarity, and the goals of sustainable development.

Government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi says, “The Prime Minister will participate, like the rest of the world’s leaders, in the General Assembly meeting as it is the largest annual global forum for leaders (countries and governments) to meet, to discuss global and regional challenges and express Iraq’s opinion on them, as well as deliver a speech reviewing Iraq’s international and regional positions and politics.” Interior.

He continued, "The meetings of the United Nations General Assembly will also include listening to the opinions of world leaders and answering their inquiries regarding all Iraqi affairs, to strengthen bilateral ties, and to explain the Iraqi reality as it is, away from interpretations and analyses, and prior coordination of understandings, relations, and subsequent visits at the leadership level or Governmental institutions ".   LINK

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