Tuesday, September 26, 2023




The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Sunday, that the dollar crisis is on its way to a final solution, due to the presence of a real government movement towards this issue.

Committee member Moin Al-Kazemi told Earth News, “There is an unannounced government movement to end the dollar crisis and the rise in the exchange rate in the parallel market, with a large difference from the official rate, and this movement is witnessing great progress.”

Al-Kadhimi stated, “The crisis of the rise in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market will witness a final solution during the coming period, but this matter needs some time, and the monetary authority in the Iraqi state is working on that, and there will be tangible results in this file.”

(It’s coming and so we must be patient)


The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV only gets better and better as the months roll on. But how long will it be before Iraq is allowed to liberate its own currency?  Again, they brag about their country and it’s great wealth and now even their position on the global stage and in the Middle East WOW! But the dinar still sits at 1/6 of a penny. 

You may think the following is hypercritical of Iraq but remember the US will want to protect the dollar if Iraq is to be truly financially independent once again. The US is being very cautious in the amount of rope it gives the CBI and the Finance Commitee to hang themselves with. Will they hang themselves? So, the U.S., the main player returns on the field, to control the economic movement of Iraq especially when it comes to the dollar, and Washington returns to impose itself as the “captain” and lead the match, especially since the people know very well who is leading this game and controlling the rounds of the match. 

But here is the good news in this regard. Once again, we see the U.S. satisfied with the Iraqi government’s performance, and the way it deals economically with the US Federal Bank, or with the requirements of the World Bank, and others we see coming out with new controls to control the movement of the dollar and announcing new punitive controls for Iraqi private banks that violate buying and selling operations in the local currency market. So don’t get discouraged when you such news as it is really good news. The banks of Iraq need to be punished for abuse and this lack of justice has been also the problem of the past and the reason why the corruption was so high. 

So, in my last newsletter I went back and referenced many of the old articles going back to 2008 and forward. I was able to give a nice timeline on the project to delete the zerosand the attitudes towards accomplishing this effort and why it has been held up. Are all these prior issues now resolved? Are they now all clear to move ahead? If you are not certain go back and re-read the newsletter in the archives.

So, this recent visit by Al-Sudani to the United Nations (UN) was so significant I can hardly emphasize it enough WOW, WOW, WOW. Basically, he was making his case to the UN for three main issues, none of which was to coordinate the RV…lol..lol..lol.. Like I kept saying over the past couple decades that the RV is not the main topic but is a “byproduct” of the process of Iraq regaining its sovereignty. Since January of this year how many articles we have read about Iraq and its lack of being treated as a sovereign nation regardless of all the sanctions that been lifted since the two gulf wars with Iraq. Folks, it has been 20 years already since the invasion of 2003. 

The main issues in the UN were all about: 

1.All conditions of Chapter VII be lifted not just under pretense but in practice, especially with the economic and financial reforms;

2.Policies with Iran were established for trade relations and the Iranian militia that still exist in Iraq post ISIS war. A result of the UN meeting Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi announced that Iraq’s start disarming armed groups opposed to his country is “a positive step to ensure security.” WOW! 

3.Reestablishing official “International” status with the rest of the world (this will also include the reinstatement of the dinar)

Here is his full speech with English translator: 

Al-Sudani at the UN General Counsel Meeting Sept 19, 2023

So what did Al-Sundani announce when he arrived back in Iraq from his meetings with the UN? 

Al-Sudani is now emphasizing Iraq’s openness to the countries of the world to create an economic bases for the country because it will push the flow of Arab and international investments. The visit of Prime Minister al-Sudani to Washington supported the stability of the Iraqi economy and control of the file of exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar. Oh yes…I like when they keep saying Iraq is STABLE.  Al-Sudani pointed out that “Iraq is moving towards openness to all international countries to conclude balanced relations based on achieving common interests, preserving sovereignty, and non-interference in internal affairs.” 

IN an article today we read that the Central Bank of Iraq has set next year as a date to limit internal commercial and other transactions to the Iraqi dinar instead of the dollar. The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, said on Sunday, that “the bank is proceeding to dispense with external transfers next year and to rely on correspondent banks in correspondent banks in external transfer operations, as transfers through correspondent banks have reached 60%.” of the total transfers (outside the electronic platform of the Central Bank), while the implementation rate of verified transfers reached more than 95%,” indicating that “this came after an agreement between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Federal Bank, similar to countries of the world, where central banks do not conduct business.” Executive, and its role is focused on supervision and control. This is their way of finally letting go of the sanction -like process of the currency auctions, even though we all know that sanctions have been completely lifted already. Get it? They are NOT just going to end the auctions but slowly phase it out. 

Folks it can’t get much better than this news this period. But when will they RV and then reinstate? 

I had my normal Saturday chat on my call with my CBI contact. I want to bring the news I was told. Afterall it is your GIFTS that make these calls possible, and I am always going to share what I am told. So, I was told that we can expect the re-education part of the process of the “Project to Delete The Zeros”. to begin shortly probably in October. It was explained VERY clearly and in detail to everyone what this re-education really means and so you could see it has NOT yet taken place. I do not care what these other idiot intel gurus re telling you. They are all idiots and liars! 

Do you want a timeline? 

I was given a timeline of October for the re-education process to begin and the distribution of the newer lower denominations (the first set) sometime before the end of December, if all goes according to plan. I was told to remember the CBI, as any bank, does not give out FREE money. Every lower denomination note must be accounted for and exchanged for the larger three zero notes just as they did in 2004 when they exchanged the Saddam Hussein notes for the three zero notes. This in-country ONLY RV rate you keep hearing about is the initial exchange rate to trade in or turn in the larger three zero notes. That is all it is. I was told this phase of the process MUST be completed in good standing prior to the reinstatement happening when the rate could change significantly higher as it goes international. ATMS will help in the process but mostly only afterwards ongoing. Initially it will be the banks that will set up exchange windows just as they did in 2004. 

I know many of you in the past have disputed this in-country only rate and said it is not possible to have two rates for the dinar. You are so correct! I have always told you that there will only be one rate at a time. First the in-country RV rate for the initial exchange/conversion/redenomination that will take place in -country of Iraq. Then later about 2-3 weeks (or longer if needed) they will make their move to FOREX. In the meantime, they will watch and monitor for inflation. Have I not said this all along and standed firm on the process I was given in 2011? 

What does this all mean? 

It means I believe they are targeting January 2024 for their reinstatement and not before. Has the CBI not told us already this is the BEST and OPPORTUNE time to reinstate? So, here we go again…. This is the beginning their fiscal year. Maybe they intend to do it prior but there is no evidence of it on my end to prove it. 

There is NO possible way they could do it before since it is now almost October and they will need months of prepping the citizens, setting up the exchange windows at the banks and then conducting the efforts. 

Sometimes I take questions asked me and share my answers on the Newsletter with everyone. So here is one such comment worth sharing:

QUESTION: MG, thank you again for all your hard work ! Could you re-post information about the Chinese deal to ask about when we go too the banks, please ma’am. I have no problem looking it up in the archives myself, it’s just that I don’t recall exactly when you last spoke about it. Thanks Kelly

Mnt Goat ANSWER: I find it very sad that I bring all the news of the RV, Reinstatement and of the corruption within the WEF and UN and how it is affecting US politics. These politics effect everything yet all one of my readers could comment on is to ask about the China contract rate? Why can’t you understand that it is all interconnected? Sorry I told everyone that I would only archive 8 newsletters and now it’s only 2 and so pay attention to the policy. The information has ben deleted off the archive already as it was a June 2023 newsletter. Remember also that you are NOT getting involved with any contract with China. It is the US Treasury that is allowing you to partake in a special program that piggybacks off the oil contracts with China. I can’t keep repeating myself over and over again. Sorry! 😦

Just be patient, the reinstatement is coming but first things first.

PS: Be sure to tune into the POLITICAL section of today’s Newsletter. It is chock full of information related to yet more exposure and the coming impeachment of the Biden corruption. I hope everyone had a very nice Rosh Hashanah for all my Jewish followers. For those who don’t know the Jewish New Year festival called Rosh Hashanah , is held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.


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