Sunday, September 17, 2023

Speculators And Analysts Manipulate The Price Of The Dollar Through “False Assumptions”, 17 SEPT

 Speculators And Analysts Manipulate The Price Of The Dollar Through “False Assumptions”

The first  09/17/2023   Baghdad: Huda Al-Azzawi    A “false hypothesis” claiming that visits by US Treasury officials to the capital, Baghdad, aimed at increasing sanctions on banks, has gained currency in the local market and was the main reason for the rise in the dollar exchange rate over the past few days. Specialists in economic affairs have shown that these hypotheses unleashed by beneficiary speculators are supported and promoted by many economic or political analysts for several reasons.

The economic affairs analyst, Nabil Jabbar Al-Tamimi, stated in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that “there is a link between the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar and the sanctions imposed on banks, and this link came as a result of traders and some people benefiting from the economic analysis,” stressing that “there is no relationship to the rise in...

 The exchange rate when imposing sanctions on four banks in November 2022, as well as when imposing sanctions on 14 banks after that date,” explaining that “these assumptions are economically illogical, because the (14) banks had an entry rate of about 8% in the currency auction and can be covered.” By other banks.

He pointed out that "these hypotheses are unleashed by some economic analysts for the purpose of benefiting from them, especially since some of them have political leanings against the current government, and try to distort the facts by promoting such (false hypotheses) or have a connection with currency traders, and this is what The authorities alerted him,” and Al-Tamimi expected that some of these economic analysts would be “arrested” in the next few days.

He pointed out that "the Communications and Media Commission stressed the importance of avoiding misleading information on more than one occasion, which causes an increase in exchange rates. This information must be addressed by government authorities to refute it and hold accountable everyone who promotes false information that causes an increase in the exchange rate."

For his part, the professor and analyst in economic affairs, Dr. Jaafar Alloush, indicated in an exclusive interview with “Al-Sabah” that “the incorrect reading of the visits of treasury officials is what gives general impressions that compliance with international standards has not been achieved, and thus creates pessimistic expectations that help raise the dollar exchange rate.” While the Central Bank’s data explaining its policies confirms progress in accordance with those policies  Standards".

Alloush considered the unstable rise in the exchange rate “an economically unjustified rise, but it is linked to the abundance and expansion of the volume of internal exchanges in the dollar currency, supported by the increasing types and volume of imported goods that are financed in dollars,” and explained that “the demand for the dollar is multi-faceted and depends on the volume of transactions (which It constitutes a growing demand), as the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar is directly proportional to the volume of internal trading in it,

and with there being only one source for supplying the dollar, which is the central bank (the window for selling the currency) and through the mediations of commercial banks that finance these exchanges, especially foreign trade, in exchange for the limited supply of this supply.

“The problem remains in the form of a real gap between the increasing demand for dollar transactions and the limited supply.”

 He pointed out, “Here lies the danger of lowering the exchange rate by the central bank and losing its effectiveness unless the means of financing trade are legalized and the volume of local dollar exchanges is reduced.”

Regarding the repeated visits of US Treasury officials to Baghdad, Alloush stated that “those visits come to ensure the application of these international standards, and they are also periodic visits that have occurred for a long time, and there are financial relations linking the Central Bank of Iraq with the Federal Reserve and the American Treasury, and meetings are held.” "A regular period between the two parties to review many issues."

He explained, "These days, the visits of American officials to Baghdad are being exploited in the media to inject more waves of pessimism that are directed towards creating a supportive climate for the instability of the dollar exchange rate, knowing that this rise has become a financial resource for many speculators, some of whom control the parallel exchange market, because Dollar trading has expanded its base, and this expansion creates additional difficulties for the monetary authorities and the central bank in controlling the gap in the parallel rate with the official rate.

 Edited by: Muhammad Al-Ansari

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