Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Sandy Ingram 

  How we know the value of the IQD will increase.  Mega banks slipped into Iraq...JP Morgan has assets of more than $2.62 trillion and is the 5th or 6th largest bank in the world...Earlier this month JP Morgan & Chase won the contract to run the Trade Bank of Iraq.  The Trade Bank of Iraq facilitates foreign trade financing operations...this is huge. 

 Other banks working with JP Morgan are out of the United Kingdom, Poland, France, Canada and Kuwait...Banks that influence the Forex Market are doing business in Iraq...Iraq is connected at the top.

 Article:  "Tehran's subtle efforts to control Iraq"   Iran and Iraqi supporters of Iran want Iraq to eliminate all connection with the United States or the west.  This line of thought affects our investment because Iran may not support Iraq's currency value to increase against the U.S. dollar.. .


Article:   "An upcoming visit by the Sudanese to New York"  

Quote:   "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani is scheduled to meet US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the United Nations meetings in New York this September, according to informed Iraqi sources."

 Article:  "America Is On The Top Of Global Gold Reserves

 Quote:  "The data of the World Gold Council indicate that Saudi Arabia maintains the first place in the Arab world among the countries most hedged with gold, and it is in an advanced rank globally, as it ranks 17th with total reserves of 323.1 tons, and Lebanon is second in the Arab world (21 globally) with a score of 286.8 tons, and Algeria is in third place with 173 tons. 6 tons, Iraq fourth with 132.6 tons of gold, while Egypt ranks fifth in the Arab world with 125.9 tons."

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