Saturday, September 23, 2023



  [via PDK]  I heard he [Sudani] would be back in Iraq late this evening or early tomorrow. That is from my sources…Still waiting for confirmation. A lot of people in Iraq believe that is when we will see the rate change. It sounds plausible to me and I am very hopeful that is the case.

  I saw some very impressive math in the early 2010’s. Maybe 2012 from an exceptional Iraqi source. They were pointing to a rate between $12.70 ish-$14.70 ish for the dinar based on the math for that day and time…a lot has changed since then...With values and inflation…so I could defiantly see that now. But I am preparing myself for lower…but hoping for higher. Since Vietnam and Iraq are trading partners...I feel if Iraq rate is high…then the Vietnam rate will also be high.

There is an article out that has people panicked today…”Parliament sets 3 months to restore the exchange rate of the dollar to the official rate”  Do not panic about this.  We saw similar articles come out of Kuwait just before they RV’d…an article came out saying they were not going to RV for at least 6 months…then bam…they did it that same day…. They are clouding it…and clouding it on purpose.

Joint leader’s statement:  Elevating United States and Vietnam relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership”  So we really want to work with Vietnam. Be best buddies…It’s obvious the US is putting a lot of effort into Vietnam right now…this is a good thing. This means the US wants Vietnam to revalue and be successful.

Member Comment:  ...Praying this is our last week of waiting.  MarkZ:  Things are looking good…that’s for certain. 

 In Iraq:  “Parliamentarian: Baghdad and Erbil disputes prevent the adoption of the Oil and Gas law”  We were also hearing this kind of thing from Kuwait before their last RV. I was always told to watch for this as a final trigger that needs to be hit right before we see RV. They are working on it. They may be releasing things like this so we don’t know if it’s already done or not.

...His [Sudani] first speech at the UN was more on the military situation, security etc…for the region. Latest reports are that he is now expected to talk again on Friday and address the UN…then hurry home...There is a lot of speculation that he will announce a rate…or that they are going international with their currency…when he gives that speech. Cross your fingers and say your prayers that this comes to fruition.

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