Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 09/25/2023

Monday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: GE folks, how is everyone doing this evening?

Member: Praying for good news tonight

Member:  IMO- Every night this week holds the hope and joy of Christmas Eve!!!

MZ: Let’s start with news tonight …”The dollar drops against the dong”  and “ High tech supply chains and the US-Vietnam upgrade”  They went from friendly trading partners to “strategic” trading partners. The US has agreed to share lots of technology with them so they can expand their supply chain of tech. So all our tech isn’t coming from China. We need Vietnam to be stable and have a more powerful currency.

MZ: “Largest ever military deal !! US eyes historic defense pact with Vietnam to curb China’s growing influence”   We need their rare earth minerals.

Member:  if i had to guess, the dong is going to be the superstar in the RV

MZ: “Iraqi Central Bank to restrict internal trades to Dinar”  From Bloomberg ….They are de-dollarizing. Payments in dinar only …they cannot do that and handle trades without the dinar having a more meaningful value and is international…also they are expected to formally announce this on October 4th. .

Member: I read October 4th, Iraq enters WTO. Pretty Important Deal.

Member:  WTO has rules…that means RV by OCT 4th-imo

Member: M Man said Iraq was to join the WTO on Oct 4. As WTO own rules Iraq must have a international traceable exchange rate

MZ: There is a lot happening on Oct 4th. To me this means they need a new value by October 4th.

Member:  Nader did anew video this afternoon

Member:  Nader was talking about parliament wants to replace CBI Governor

Member:  He said Governor of CBI could be losing job due to lack of rate change. Actually saw an article a few days ago about it.

Member: Nader The HCL they start payment tomorrow and it goes all the way to 28th to 8th of October for 10 days. They’re gonna pay people.

MZ: This is a big one…..They have been stalling and I think looking for a new rate.

MZ: All the real solid intel has been squashed right now. We are talking from bonds and groups. The crack down at all levels has been extreme. So that is why I am focusing on the real world articles and news for right now.

MZ: I know a lot of folks are upset that there is no news….or it’s controlled. But, this is a good thing. Be warned that much of the news from telegram ect…may be disinformation that they are throwing  at us .

MZ: That being said….I am hearing they really do expect that dinar rate change by Oct. 4th.

Member: I was really believing it would happen in Sept before the fiscal year starts on Oct. 1st…… All we can do is wait.

Member:  Evergrande collapsed and a big nothing in the markets. Sigh!

Member: Historically- Most market crashes have been in September…we still have a few days.

Member:  Newbies if you want some exchange apt tips….there is a Cheat Sheet for the Exchange Appointments on Dinar Recaps Sept 17 AM update.

Member: Have a nice evening to all…..sweet dreams

SATURDAYS  GO TO: Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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