Friday, September 8, 2023


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-7-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:51

Transcribed By WiserNow

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, September 7th and you’re listening to the big call. Glad you all tuned in from wherever you are all over the globe. And we look forward to having a good call tonight for you, with some good information from everybody. Let's start with today's Thursday - We had some decent intel on Tuesday. What we received today from international upper bond contacts in Geneva and some additional people are just saying that the funds are moving overnight tonight and tomorrow primarily to be used for NESARA and GESARA. But we also know that these are also preliminarily being moved for the bondholders and intermediaries. However, we do believe that the emails that are coming out for us and the activation of funds to the tier three bondholders will occur Sunday night into Monday so we have a weekend where some things are moving, but it looks like for us and if we're going to be right alongside the bondholders in terms of getting access to funds, they - the tier three bondholders are supposed to get access to their funds on Monday and quite possibly Monday night. There seems to be a period there where they'll actually get the email to go ahead the okay to get that but it's not going to be as immediate I don't believe as Monday morning. The funds are moving into their accounts Sunday night overnight and into Monday - and those funds are there for us - we should get our notifications Monday, Sunday night into Monday. So that means Monday And hopefully we set our appointments and can either start Monday afternoon, or Tuesday. That's the latest most recent half hour before the start of the big call tonight information Otherwise what has been happening with the redemption centers across the country a few days ago - the SKR’s You guys remember that term from a long time ago for safekeeping receipts from SKRs from 18 and 19 years ago - were being paid out by redemption centers and they were paid at not the rates that were on the original document as sort of a base guaranteed rate, but as the newer screen rates that have been showing up a few days ago, and they were quite quite good, quite high, way higher than we all thought it would be 18 or 19 years ago. So that was encouraging - 80% Of those. in one case, were military the other 20% were non military. And this was on dinar and Dong - Only Dinar and Dong . So when that occurs that gave us the feeling that okay, they've at least counted for SKR’s to be paid out. Aren't we right around the corner aren't we next? and you would say Yeah, we should be. So we're next but the tier three bondholders have to also be made liquid which we believe is going to be slightly ahead of us but not much. And so that they're looking to get access to their funds sometime Monday, Monday afternoon evening. And that may be - maybe when we are numbers by Monday morning and set our appointments and start Monday afternoon. That's the hope that will happen now. Iraq did not put their new rates on the dinar in their gazette - their official document called the Gazette yesterday, which is a major publication day Wednesdays and Saturdays. But according to our contacts in Iraq, they should be putting in Saturday's gazette - you know we sort of got started already with the SK R’s - Tomorrow is the eighth - It's a big day for China, numerically - It's possible that something else happens tomorrow. So we'll see what happens. Funds are moving. I'm so tired if you're hearing the term. This is another banned phrase on the big call “money is moving” blah blah blah blah blah. I know you guys hear that, and roll your eyes like I do. Money is moving, what money - whose money? where is it moving to? Where did it come from? These are the questions that I try to ask. I don't always get the answers I want. But I try to find out if I'm just going to the Treasury, you know, what's the deal? Trying to get the detail to bring it out to you guys and I don't always get it Do I sound a little frustrated. Do I sound like I need some tapping or some havening? Yes, I do. (chuckle) (ha ha ha ) Of course I do. So not a whole lot else to report right now - Other than we're in a holding pattern, but it looks like things are moving forward. And we should be - if this intel holds up - which has changed twice today – already - But if this intel holds up, then Sunday night into Monday should look good for us. We're just going to wait it out and see but I don't I know it's difficult to wait - And it was interesting that the testimony that Sue read had the term “hurry and wait Intel” - I never really thought of it that way and a little bit offended by that. But it has been not so much a hurry and wait but a wait. We do have things that are happening. Listen, there are tons of arrests that have taken place in upstate New York in the last couple three days - a bunch of them in Buffalo - Rochester and one other town. Okay, that's good. Cleanup is good. We also have half a million indictments around the world –internationally - that are about to be opened. So, you know, we're still in major cleanup mode. We really are. Are we far enough along in the cleanup for this to go - I'm being told we are - I'm being told yes. you know, the deep state is out of money. The USD is no longer really available in it. and it's out internationally. We know the USN needs to show up. The banks are out of money. The banks Now that's not literal, but they don't have a way to borrow anymore since the Federal Reserve was absorbed by the Treasury . We did pay off the national debt. I say we was paid off as I mentioned on Tuesday night's call, you know by the world alliance fund. And then all the debt around the globe was paid off also. It was paid off on the first of September, today's the seventh. By tomorrow will be a week. And that should be a great sign for us -- moving forward into our exchange period. So I think we're we are in a little bit of a holding pattern - But I believe things are getting done behind the scenes that we don't quite see and I'm privileged enough to hear about certain arrests and things that are occurring, you know, on the other side, but, you know, it's, it's, it's something we have to literally wait for. and I feel encouraged. I like the fact that we should get started with our notifications coming Sunday night or Monday. Hopefully set those appointments Monday and start Monday night or Tuesday. So that is everything that I think I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. And it sounds like you know things are definitely moving in the right direction. I was super encouraged by the SKR’s being paid off. To me that was a sign things are really moving forward. Because I mean it took 18 to 19 years to pay those SKR’s off. So that was a good thing - A very good thing. Now beyond that. So let's see what happens with that. Let's see if we get the numbers don't get the numbers before then All right, so I'm gonna thank everybody for coming to the site listening in. appreciate it so much. And let's see what happens if we get anything over the weekend. We should possibly wake up to the Monday or Monday if they in fact sent out the email Sunday night. All right, everybody thank you so much and thank all in big call universe that did hear this call tonight. We appreciate you very much. And thank you for listening.

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