Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Al-Sudani: Exchange Rate Fluctuations Are A Battle Between The State And A Group That Lives On The Dollar, 26 SEPT

 Al-Sudani: Exchange Rate Fluctuations Are A Battle Between The State And A Group That Lives On The Dollar

 Policy  09-26-2023 | 1,179 views   Alsumaria News – Politics    The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed today, Tuesday, that exchange rate fluctuations are a battle between the state that wants to stabilize correct transactions, and a group that used to live on the dollar, while specifying his position on the presence of the international coalition.

Al-Sudani said, in an interview with The National newspaper, followed by Al-Sumaria News, that “political disputes in Iraq are within their natural context, and resorting to the Federal Court is a healthy sign for the political system,” indicating that “All political forces today are talking about providing services and developing the economy, after... “The talk was about sectarianism, ethnicity, and components.”

He added: “We presented a vision for partnerships with countries in the region along the path of development, and this is the first time that a project has been presented that calls for everyone’s partnership,” stressing: “When the security situation inIraqWith controlISISThe entire region was affected, and millions migrated, so stability must be maintainedIraqAl

Sudani stated, “More than 300 registered parties will run in the local elections, and this is a healthy indicator of stability,” pointing out that “the Social Protection Law addresses multidimensional poverty, and $4 billion has been allocated in 2023 to address poverty, and there are cash subsidies for school students.” And colleges and children of poor families to prevent the inheritance of poverty within the family.”

The Prime Minister stated that “the ration card is distributed in a specific quality to all citizens, and there is a card of a higher quality distributed among those included in the social protection network,” pointing out that “the treatments included in the three-year budget for the situation of poverty, Enough to end poverty rates inIraqradically within five years.”

Al-Sudani stressed: “We have no alternative but to support the private sector, and there is no session without it.”  Ministerial Council for Economy of a decision in favor of this sector,” pointing out that “there is a war on corruption, and we have included the recovery of funds and wanted persons, within a systematic anti-corruption policy.”

He stated, “The reforms in tax, customs, and electronic payment all establish an environment that attracts the private sector and facilitates its work,” adding “The price of the dollar is related to the special reforms of the banking and financial sector, and the government has begun implementing the reforms, despite their social cost.”

Al-Sudani stated that “exchange rate fluctuations are a battle between the state that wants to stabilize correct transactions, and a group that used to live on the dollar,” explaining that “the outlets Illegitimate goods enter, and no taxes are paid, and this is money that goes to the parallel price.”

He pointed out, “Private banks take the dollar from the central bank and sell it in the parallel market, and these will be subject to sanctions,” adding, “IraqHe was the first to exercise his pioneering role in bringing points of view closer together, and he succeeded in doing so, and he continues to do so in the region.”

Al-Sudani continued, "The development road project is the best and shortest in its path, and the lowest in transportation costs among the projects proposed in the region, and achieves the purpose of trade between Asia and Europe."

He pointed out, "The presence of Syria, with its political system and people, is better than an unknown alternative that might plunge the region into a second war with ISIS, and any security confusion in Syria will unleash terrorist monsters and threaten security in Iraq and the region."

Al-Sudani reiterated his assertion: “ISIS today does not represent a threat to the Iraqi state, and there is no longer a need for the presence of the international coalition, which was formed to confront ISIS,” indicating that “the joint committee will meet during this month with the American side, and we emphasize the bilateral relationship with the United States for security cooperation.” We are open in all fields.”   LINK

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