Sunday, September 3, 2023

5 Differences Between The Center And The Region Will Afflict The New Draft Oil Law.. What Are They?, 3 SEPT

 5 Differences Between The Center And The Region Will Afflict The New Draft Oil Law.. What Are They?

Economy  |Today  Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Sunday (September 3, 2023), economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi revealed 5 differences between the center and the region that may plague the new draft oil law.

Al-Marsoumi said, in a clarification received by "Baghdad Today", that "there are several differences between the center and the region that may plague the new draft oil law."

He added, "The first difference is represented by Article 5 of the new draft oil and gas law, which stipulates that the Federal Council shall be established under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister or whomever he authorizes, and includes in its membership each of the Federal Minister of Oil, the Federal Minister of Finance, the Federal Minister of Planning, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Minister of Natural Resources in the region, and the governors of Three oil-producing provinces that are not organized into a region and three experts.

He explained, "Decisions are taken by majority, while the region believes that the Federal Council for Oil and Gas should include in its membership both the federal government (ministers of oil, finance and planning) and the regional government (ministers of natural resources, finance and planning) and governors of oil-producing governorates that are not organized in a region. The presidency is in The council is rotating and decisions are taken unanimously.

Al-Marsoumi continued: “As for the second difference, it concerns (Article 8 First), which stipulates that the Federal Ministry of Oil shall manage the oil and gas-producing fields throughout Iraq in coordination with the region and the producing provinces. As for the vision of the region, it is summarized as follows: The federal government manages the oil and gas extracted from the fields.

The current (which was extracted, developed, and commercially produced before the constitution expired in 2005) with the regional government and the producing governorates that are not organized in a region. commercial production after the expiry of the constitution).

And he added, “While the third disagreement is about Article 11 of the new draft oil law, as it states that the Federal Council is the one that gives approval to oil licensing contracts, while the region sees that it is the competent authority on exploration, development and production contracts or any other contracts with the contractor that The choice falls on him and does not require the approval of the Federal Council.

He pointed out that "the fourth difference is in Article 16 of the draft law, which stipulates that the ministry is the supreme authority responsible for the obligations of the contractors, while the region believes that the competent authority in the region is responsible for the obligations of the contractors in the contracting areas within the region,

and the fifth difference is in the article 24 of the draft law that the main pipelines are owned by the federal government, while the region says that the federal government, the regional government, and the producing provinces establish and own pipelines to transport oil and gas.

He concluded by saying that "the sixth difference is that the new draft oil law did not include any article indicating the marketing of oil and the party responsible for it, but as is currently in force and confirmed by the Federal Court, the Ministry of Oil represented by SOMO is the only party responsible for marketing all Iraqi oil regardless of Its production site, while the region sees that the Federal Council sets marketing and sales policies, and the sale process is carried out by marketing companies belonging to the regional government or producing governorates that are not organized in a region.  LINK

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