Friday, August 11, 2023


 Development Fund.. a step for economic advancement and investment revival

Economical 2023/08/10
 Baghdad: Haider Fleeh Al-Rubaie

Specialists in economic affairs praised the government’s approach to establishing the “Development Fund for Iraq,” stressing the 

importance of the step in achieving a package of achievements, 

including allowing various forms of financing partnerships such as loans, international grants, and allocations from the general budget, or issuing financing bonds and local and international partnerships with the private sector. 

And while they indicated that the fund would develop and diversify non-oil resources, 

they pointed out that the development path project would be the real nucleus of the work of the Iraq Fund.

The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, revealed that 

"the cabinet approved the system of the Iraq Fund for Development, and 

we are working to form a board of directors, and 

we have received offers from Arab and foreign investment funds to participate in the fund, as well as 

we have received requests from the private sector to implement projects within the Iraq Fund for Development." 

The fund can achieve many economic and development goals, foremost of which is the possibility of improving the investment environment, launching sustainable development, finding solutions to economic, social and environmental crises, as well as creating a qualitative change in the adoption of technology and modern systems in management, as well as its ability to finance projects that address gaps in the powers of ministries..

The fund can also create job opportunities through investment projects, develop human capital and skills to match market requirements, in addition to its ability to attract the financial mass of the private sector and employ it in projects.

In addition to the many economic advantages that the fund can achieve, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Salih, believes during his interview with "Al-Sabah" that 

"the Iraq Fund is one of the strategic methods for investing in major development projects across the provinces and has the ability to provide backlinks." 

and frontally with production chains and other investments in a correlative manner. 

Saleh explained that the fund is characterized by providing two important directions, which are the 

sustainability of financing throughout the life of the implementation of the strategic project without stumbling, which means high implementation efficiency through a network of interconnected investments, as well as 

allowing various forms of financing partnerships such as loans, international grants, allocations from the general budget, or the issuance of financing bonds. Or local or international partnerships with the private sector, depending on the nature of the project and its internal and external extensions.

The financial advisor believes that the "Development Road Project" will be the true nucleus of the work of the Iraq Fund and its associated networks of industrial cities, infrastructure, etc., as well as the possibility of this new economic formation becoming the planning, financing, and executive investment arm, whether independently of the government or through strategic partnerships. with the private sector.

Counselor Saleh suggested, 

"Creating an effective management description for the fund that has three pillars at once, the 

first of which is economic and engineering planning for the strategic projects that the fund will undertake to approve, and the 

second is the establishment of an administrative and engineering technical apparatus that undertakes follow-up on the implementation of projects upon their approval and monitors completion rates, accuracy of implementation, and control of exchange, in When the 

third pillar is concerned with financing management and the flow of incoming and outgoing sources of funds, meaning the accuracy of spending on projects.

In addition, the economist, Dr. Hussein Jaber Al-Khakani, confirmed to Al-Sabah that 

“the establishment of a development fund is an important direction and sound thinking and the adoption of scientific solutions in the face of crises, and that 

seriousness and readiness for speedy implementation and the use of successful experiences of countries in this field represent a successful step.” And a good starting point for the government in its early works.

In order for the Fund to succeed, Al-Khakani urged that 

it “be independent financially and administratively and not be under the umbrella of any ministry, 

but rather be linked to the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers, in order for it to have freedom of movement in implementing government policy and the activities for which it was established,” stressing at the same time, 

He stressed the importance of the fund working "in a private sector way in management, employment, investment and contracting with experts and consultants with the specializations it needs to enable it to perform its work in the best way." 

Prime Minister: The unified treasury account will be an added contribution to anti-corruption measures 

 Politics 08-9-2023, 16:19
Baghdad – conscious 

Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani affirmed that the unified treasury account will be an added contribution to anti-corruption measures.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that 

"Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani chaired today, Wednesday, a meeting to follow up on the completion of the unified treasury account and electronic payment procedures at POS points of sale."  The statement added, "During the meeting, they reviewed the progress made in completing the unified treasury account , and the subsequent positive indicators that are reflected in the national financial and banking system."  

Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement, that "these steps come within the government's efforts to implement financial and banking reforms, and the unified treasury account will be an added contribution to anti-corruption measures and limiting the ability of corrupt people to exploit loopholes."  And he directed, "to make an amendment to the electronic payment system No. 3 of 2014, as well as the adoption of the electronic receipt document as a substitute for the paper receiptas part of a series of procedures towards employing and approving electronic payment at POS points of sale in an expanded manner, in the public and private sectors." 
, and the subsequent positive indicators that are reflected in the national financial and banking system."  

Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement, that "these steps come within the government's efforts to implement financial and banking reforms, and the unified treasury account will be an added contribution to anti-corruption measures and limiting the ability of corrupt people to exploit loopholes."  And he directed, "to make an amendment to the electronic payment system No. 3 of 2014, as well as the adoption of the electronic receipt document as a substitute for the paper receiptas part of a series of procedures towards employing and approving electronic payment at POS points of sale in an expanded manner, in the public and private sectors." 
, and the subsequent positive indicators that are reflected in the national financial and banking system."  

Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement, that "these steps come within the government's efforts to implement financial and banking reforms, and the unified treasury account will be an added contribution to anti-corruption measures and limiting the ability of corrupt people to exploit loopholes."  And he directed, "to make an amendment to the electronic payment system No. 3 of 2014, as well as the adoption of the electronic receipt document as a substitute for the paper receiptas part of a series of procedures towards employing and approving electronic payment at POS points of sale in an expanded manner, in the public and private sectors." 

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