Wednesday, August 23, 2023

In detail.. A newspaper opens the file of “selling cars in dinars” instead of dollars, 23 AUGUST

 In detail.. A newspaper opens the file of “selling cars in dinars” instead of dollars

In detail.. A newspaper opens the file of selling cars in dinars instead of dollarsEconomic expert Safwan Qusay said, on Monday, that the process of controlling the sale and purchase of cars will be a window to control the real estate, valleys and gold markets in Iraq.
Qusai explained in an interview with “ Al-Jarida ” that “the process of controlling the exchange rate requires that all types of cars be sold inside the Iraqi market in Iraqi dinars, and that they be imported by companies and even individual importers through the platform, and cars are not allowed to be registered in traffic departments unless they By bringing confirmation that the import process has been completed through the electronic platform.
He added, “There is supposed to be a commitment and control over car showrooms in all governorates, including the Kurdistan region, to comply with the sale of cars in Iraqi dinars,” noting that “the process of supporting the Iraqi dinar requires not allowing speculators and smugglers to control the local markets and expel the dollar to the punished countries in various ways.”
Qusai pointed out that “the government is continuing to control all kinds of commodities,” suggesting that “cars with large sums of money are not bought and sold except through Iraqi banks so that we know what is the source of the Iraqi dinar that buys the car and who is the one that sells it.”
He concluded by saying, “If the car market is controlled, then the real estate, gold and medicine market will be controlled.”
Al-Bayati rules out passing the oil and gas law in a way that meets the ambition of the region
Al-Bayati rules out passing the oil and gas law in a way that meets the ambition of the regionInformation / Baghdad..
Former MP Jassim Al-Bayati ruled out passing the oil and gas law in a way that meets the ambition of the Kurds in the region, indicating that the Kurdish forces are still negotiating and procrastinating to delay passing the law.
Al-Bayati told Al-Maalouma, “The negotiations on the oil and gas law will not reach any good stages, as the opportunity that the Kurds got in 2008 when this law was sent will not be repeated at the present time.”
He added, “The Kurds rejected the law in the aforementioned year, despite the fact that it was voted on by the Council of Ministers, and prepared to pass it in Parliament, and therefore it is impossible for the law to come back again to be in the interest of the Kurds.”
And he indicated that “the Kurds are calling today for the oil and gas law, but the demand is conditional that the aforementioned law be in their interest, far from consensus or passing by a numerical majority within the House of Representatives, and it is better for them to return to the old law, otherwise the results will be bad for them.”

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