Sunday, August 27, 2023

Formation Of A Joint Committee Between Baghdad And The Region Regarding Approving The Oil And Gas Law, 27 AUGUST

 Formation Of A Joint Committee Between Baghdad And The Region Regarding Approving The Oil And Gas Law

political | 03:16 - 08/27/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News, a member of the House of Representatives, Firas Al-Maslamawi, announced, on Sunday, the formation of a joint committee with the region regarding the approval of the oil and gas law, while he expected the date for the approval of the law.

Al-Maslamawi said, "A committee was formed by the Minister of Oil, the Minister of Natural Resources in the region, the general manager of SOMO and the advanced staff in the Ministry of Oil, as well as the oil-producing governorates such as Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan and Kirkuk," noting that "the task of the committee is to develop a draft of the oil and gas law and present it to government and the House of Representatives.

He pointed out that "there is a real will of the House of Representatives in order to legislate the law," noting that "the current year's budget included the addition of two articles to the law, which is regulating the export of the region's oil in terms of export and depositing imports in a bank accredited by the Central Bank."

He explained, "Iraq's oil is one and indivisible, and there is a movement towards achieving justice in the distribution of wealth to the people, whether in the Kurdistan region or the center and south."

He added, "The atmosphere is suitable for approving the law, and it is hoped that the draft will be completed and reached parliament in the current legislative term," expecting "the approval of the law in the next legislative term after about 4 months."


Parliamentary Finance Reveals The Most Important Thing That Was Agreed Upon While Hosting The Governor Of The Central Bank

Political  | 04:47 - 08/27/2023   Baghdad- Mawazine   The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, revealed today, Sunday, the most important thing that was agreed upon during the committee’s hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, while indicating his assertion that the stability of the exchange rate takes place with the commitment to purchase from the government platform.

Al-Atwani said to the official agency, followed by Mawazine News, that "it was agreed during the hosting to form a joint committee from the Finance Committee and the competent staff at the Central Bank to study the revival and support of the housing loan initiative and ensure the permanence and continuity of its financing in a way that enhances economic stability and achieves sustainable development."

He added, "The governor of the central bank affirmed his efforts to reach a state of stability in the exchange rates of the dollar by committing to buying from the government platform."

And the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed in a statement issued by it that it discussed with Al-Alaq the Central Bank’s initiative to grant citizens loans to solve the housing crisis, as well as the exchange rate file.

The statement said that "Al-Atwani praised during the hosting the role of the Central Bank in financing loans related to solving the housing crisis in the country, with the aim of facilitating the investment sector, economic movement and employment," noting that "the suspension of the initiative affects the economic aspect and job opportunities, with the increasing need for housing units, Which requires conducting a feasibility study to reach an appropriate formula that meets the citizen's needs.

The statement quoted Al-Alaq as explaining the reasons that led to the suspension of the initiative, adding that “money has been allocated to the Real Estate Bank and the Housing Fund with the aim of achieving economic activity and launching the initiative,” while he indicated that “the bank deals with the file with an in-depth study in order to control the monetary mass in accordance with the policy.” Finance, stressing the need to increase capital and support the Central Bank to continue the initiatives.

According to the statement, hosting discussed the issue of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, as well as tax procedures on products imported through the ports. End 29

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