Wednesday, August 16, 2023


 Nader From The Mid East

They need to find at least 80% of the money and get it back from them [The corrupt politicians and mafia] back for them to revalue the dinar.


[via PDK]

Comment: [Guru] Nader said, corruption slowed down RV IQD no budget no HCL? [reference Nader post 8-14-2023]

MarkZ:  Remember these are the same stories we saw before the RV is Kuwait…The same stories we saw in China…the same stories we historically see before any revaluation of any currency in the last 100 years.  Could it be a little longer?    It could but I don’t think so…they are desperate and need the rate…

Question:  We have never seen an RV…so how do we know what to expect?  We have seen RV’s (Re-Valuations). We may not have seen a world-wide event…but there have been many RV’s. We saw one in China in the 90’s…We saw Kuwait go through one in 91…in the 1970’s we saw Iraq go through one…After world war 2 we saw Japan go through this…We have seen Germany go through this twice…once after world war 1 and once after world war 2. This is not unprecedented.

I have not heard anything negative…a lot of projects are being funded.  We know that now that money is moving they have go to get a rate change at any moment.   

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Article Quote:
“The parliamentary economic committee stands with the government and the central bank in fighting the speculators at the exchange rate…”

Everybody’s in agreement we need to fight this parallel market – we need to shut it down. Again, what is the easiest way to shut it down Change the exchange rates to a Real Effective Exchange Rate shuts is down.  In a broad sense that’s what they’re actually saying without saying it…

[Financial] systems are in place that have been updated, modified and now they’re waiting for Iraq to be ready to go to the global financial system.  Once they get to that stage they’re going to be an Article VIII IMF compliant currency.  That’s our expectation…That’s what they’ve been saying for quite some time.

If they haven’t gone to the international stage of 1310 and they haven’t done it today, the chances of them doing it are highly unlikely the International world wouldn’t accept Iraq at 1310.

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