Sunday, August 13, 2023



[via PDK]

“Dana Gas receives $80 million from Iraq’s Kurdistan region”

oil is absolutely flowing in the Kurdistan region. I think this is a solid sign that the money is moving and so is the HCL (hydrocarbon law). This is a big one in my book…

They need this sooner not later.  IMO they do not need a float that is going to take forever. Things are very positive coming out of Iraq. …I cannot tell you the exact timing yet…but sources think  it may be sometime between the 15th and the 20th of August …This August – not

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

“Development Fund.. a step for economic advancement and investment revival”

This article is packed with data! They are talking about the “nucleus” of the projects that will get Iraq into the real world of infrastructure build out, to get the development project off the ground and into to the private sector…It is all about show time…The costs associated with building networks of industrial cities, infrastructure, etc.. It is going to be massive and effectively far more cheaper once they adjust their currency to reflect a real effective exchange rate.. Amazingly cheaper IMO

The Central Bank put out strict measures… now they’ve put out a 4th package.  That 4th package is to reduce the interfaces for people to be able to get the dollar.  Once they get rid of the dollar, what happens The parallel market is going to get even worse… because …supply and demand.  If you reduce the dollar, it’ll become so expensive that they’re not going to want to use it.  There will come a time where because they can’t get it they’ll be forced to use their own dinar.  That’s what this package is dealing with.

“Towards a new global financial system Economical”

This article doesn’t go so far as to suggest Iraq is in the running or even applying to be a member of BRICS. Iraq may fall into the category of interested and monitoring developments while collecting and analyzing information.  We will be watching close…

Frank26 (KTFA)

The HCL is not delayed…it’s in the budget and it waits for the new exchange rate…HCL is a vital key in releasing the new exchange rate…Once you see the HCL you will also automatically see the new exchange rate.  They go hand in hand.

“If I only turn in a few dinars, how long will I have to exchange the rest 60 days?  30 days?”

Unknown.  But IMO the IMF normally gives years for the float but with the great demand of the Iraqi dinar right now IMO it will not take that long.

There’s no such thing as “one” 800# unless you’re talking about the United States Treasury.  That’s your universal 800# that you can pick up and ask them, ‘Hey which one of your banks is going to be exchanging the Iraqi dinar?’  They’ll gladly tell you.  You know why?  Because they want you to exchange your dinars at these American banks so the dinar can be put into our federal reserves.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...