Monday, August 14, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 08/14/2023

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good morning everyone. Praying for our miracle to manifest this week!

Member:  Anticipation! I just know that MarkZ is gonna have some great news for us this morning.! something to look forward to in the next several days........ like that old Heinz Ketchup commercial

Member: August 14, 1945: Imperial Japan unconditionally surrenders. Truman declares W.W.2 over.

MZ: Today will be short. Tonight may be live or recorded. 

MZ: No negative news over the weekend….the only negative thing was Nader talking about the clean up was slowing down and he was worried with the corruption things were going to take a long time. 

Member: Nader said, corruption slowed down RV IQD no budget no HCL?

Member:  Stopping corruption in Iraq is like trying to stomp out a gas fire with your feet

MZ: Remember these are the same stories we saw before the RV is Kuwait…The same stories we saw in China….the same stories we historically see before any revaluation of any currency in the last 100 years

MZ: Could it be a little longer? It could but I don’t think so….they are desperate and need the rate. . 

Member: MilitiaMan had a new good video late last night 

MZ: Yes…the militiaman video was very positive and he is talking about those cleanups…

MZ: Mountain goat did a solid release this weekend…...

MZ:  (From Dinar Guru)   Mnt Goat   the BIG, BIG news...I quote- “the technical advisor to the Prime Minister, Muhammad Sahib al-Darraji, confirmed that Iraq did not actually come out from under Chapter Seven, indicating that the Federal Bank controls the dollar.”  Actually “officially”...Iraq has been “fully” released out of Chapter VII. So why does this advisor say otherwise?  ...the US won’t let Iraq get out their control of the billions of dollars of oil revenues flowing through the NY Chase Bank. That is really the issue...So, what situation does this put us in for getting the RV? Common sense dictates that the US will have to let go eventually and allow the full impact on Iraq of getting out of Chapter VII and freeing up their oil $$ under their control once again. The mere fact that we are seeing an article like this one tells us the pressure is building to let go. This may take some actions from the UN to force the US to let go. They will also have to let go of OFAC sanctions on the dinar, which are still be imposed on it.  If the constitution is fully implemented and the Pillars of Financial Reform are completed, we may see the RV and the Reinstatement.  

MZ: So waiting for Iraq to come out of Chapter 7….our  US Treasury and Federal Reserve is still controlling their finances…..The mere fact we are seeing articles like this…..the pressure is building to let go……I am hearing this is imminent…..The US is running out of excuses to manipulate and control. 

MZ: That is why Iraq has been dotting I’s and crossing t’s to remove any question …The world trade organization , World bank and the UN is not pressuring the US to let Iraq move forward. There is a lot of drama that surrounds an event like this. 

MZ: We are expecting a very busy week between now and the 20th….

MZ: Zero news on CMKX….nothig new on Bolivar or rial… you all the trouble of asking. 

Member:  Rod Steel suggest the Iraqi Dinar will come out within a nickel of the current Kuwait currency value.

Member:  I could deal with being a nickel away from Kuwaiti dinar

Member: Talked about group 3 Bond ppl 1st in line…. Native CMXK, Church groups, Indians, Prosperity Programs…Says a change…. All gonna go at the same time… No longer do those folks have to be paid first

Member: That makes sense to have a shotgun start….that way bad guys wont have warning… will just happen. 

Member:  We have never seen an RV…so how do we know what to expect?

MZ: We have seen RV’s (Re-Valuations) . We may not have seen a world-wide event…but there have been many RV’s. We saw one in China in the 90’s….We saw Kuwait go through one in 91….in the 1970’s we was Iraq go through one….After world war 2 we saw Japan go through this….We have seen Germany go through this twice….once after world war 1 and once after world war 2. This is not unprecedented. 

Member: Is it just me or others losing the excitement of the RV? It’s just the same thing over and over without results. 5+ yrs and I’m wore out. 

Member: Anticipation fatigue is real…..and its exhausting.

Member:  Thoughts become things….extraordinary things happen if you believe. 

Member: We are watching History being made!

Member:  Mark, thanks as always for all you bring to this community



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