Wednesday, August 16, 2023


 Tues. 15 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • A couple of days ago political things started to happen in all 50 states which were moving this forward. They planned to eliminate the Deep State within the next few days.
  • The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), or Emergency Alert System (EAS), or Emergency Warning System (EWS) will be activated to expose all the corruption that was going on in our government.
  • The BRICS Summit in South Africa Tues. 22 Aug. through Thurs. 24 Aug.included 93 member countries that were gold backed in their own currency and wanted to be part of BRICS.
  • The gold backed USN was being traded digitally and should be out publicly two days prior to the BRICS Summit (by Sun. 20 Aug.)
  • Bond Holders were still waiting for notification to receive access to their funds.
  • Iraq could publish their new Dinar Rate on Wed. 16 Aug. or Sat. 19 Aug.
  • Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified to set foreign currency exchange and Zim redemption appointments prior to the BRICS Summit.

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