Monday, July 17, 2023


 The Finance Committee Is Likely To Launch The Implementation Of The Budget Law Tomorrow

2023-07-17 Shafaq News/ The Parliamentary Finance Committee ruled out, on Monday, the impact of the Iraqi government's appeals on articles of the general budget law in the continuation of the law, suggesting that the implementation of its articles will start from tomorrow.

Committee member, Representative Jamal Koujar told Shafaq News agency, "The appeals submitted by the government against articles and paragraphs of the budget law are the ones that stop, not the budget law."

Cougar suggested that the cabinet session tomorrow, Tuesday, would be the beginning of the launch, and the implementation of the budget law in ministries and state institutions.

Cougar stressed that the Ministry of Finance should be ready to implement the budget law, and we do not know the reasons for the delay in implementing the law.

On the third of July, the head of the federal government, Muhammad al-Sudani, submitted an appeal to the Federal Supreme Court against a number of paragraphs of the budget law, with a request to the court to issue a (state order) to stop the implementation of these articles after the law entered into force until the court decided to challenge the constitutionality of these articles.

On June 12, the Iraqi parliament voted on the financial budget for the three years (2023-2024-2025), with a value of 198.9 trillion Iraqi dinars ($153 billion) for each year.   LINK

Parliamentary Fortunes Depend On Passing The Oil Law On Political Consensus

July 16   Information/Baghdad.. A member of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Sabah Sobhi, pledged today, Sunday, to pass the oil law, to achieve consensus and remove many obstacles.

Follow the "information" channel on Telegram.. news that does not need to be documented..

Sobhi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, "The oil and gas law must be submitted to parliament because of its economic importance and its impact on the nature of the political relationship, according to the agreement concluded between the political parties that formed the government.”

He added, "The draft law is still with the government due to the outstanding political differences regarding the law," noting that "the law needs political consensus among all parties without exception."

And he continued, "Seeking to create a suitable environment to solve some of the accumulated problems to proceed with the legislation of the law during the current parliamentary session," pointing to "the continuation of work to solve all problems on the law and put it on the parliament table for the purpose of discussion.”   LINK

Parliament Is Preparing To Pass Important Laws In Its Second Legislative Term

The first  2023/07/17  Shaima Rashid  During its current session, the House of Representatives is preparing to enact important laws affecting the life of the citizen, as well as hosting some ministers on important files such as the water file and the black oil barter agreement with Iran.

Member of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Al-Sharmani, stated in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that “the subject of the salary scale for employees is in the prime minister’s court, and the draft has been completed and recommendations have been submitted to the Prime Minister by the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Finance and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers,” indicating that Parliament is waiting A decision by the Prime Minister in this regard, which includes financial consequences, but social justice is an important detail for the sustainability of the political process and security, economic and social stability.

With regard to the legislation of laws, Al-Sharmani explained that "Parliament in this chapter has important files to discuss, including the water and energy file, and the recent agreement between the Iraqi and Iranian sides regarding gas supplies, so we will seek to host the relevant ministers for the purpose of identifying the imbalances and addressing them." In accordance with the constitutional frameworks,” noting that “any official who violates his moral, national and constitutional obligations and exploits the position for his personal purposes, and is negligent in delivering the services that the Iraqi street needs, Parliament will have a firm position with him.”

Al-Sharmani added, "The previous legislative chapter witnessed the adoption of an important law, which is the retirement and social security law, so it seeks to pass laws of this size and importance, such as the (oil and gas) law and the consolidation of social justice, through important laws that can be approved in this chapter, as well Matters affecting the Iraqi family. 

 Edited by: Wael Al-Malook

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...