Wednesday, July 26, 2023


 Judy Note: On Tues. 25 July Bruce reported that the new financial system QFS would start implementation at midnight Tues. 25 July and complete at midnight Wed. night 26 July.

Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set exchange appointments and Bond Holders would receive access to their funds on Wed. 26 July or Thurs. 27 July, with a possibility that exchanges and redemptions would begin on Fri. 28 July.

GESARA would be announced on Thurs. 27 July and NESARA would happen on Sun. 30 July or Mon. 31 July. The general public Tier 5 could exchange currency at the new rates at a bank beginning Thurs. 3 Aug.

From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Call (see below) we learn that currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointment notifications will be done through social media and groups (not through emails from Wells Fargo), plus that the RV would happen after Bretton Woods III was made public.

That Bretton Woods III likely referenced the FOMC meeting on Wed. 26 July where a Stock Market correction would very likely take place – that would lead into the next day on Thurs. 27 July when the Banks were required to be Basel 3 compliant (have their assets gold/asset-backed), or they would be shut down – all of which would result in shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as currencies moved into a real value and created a Global Financial Crisis.

Head of the Global Redemption Committee Charlie Ward said the RV would happen after that Global Financial Crisis occurred.

Exchange and Redemption Appointments:

  • Tues. 25 July Bruce:

The new financial system QFS, in conjunction with the USN and Star Link System, would be implemented starting at midnight Tues. 25 July and go through midnight Wed. night 26 July.

Bond Holders will get access to their funds Wed. 26 July or more likely Thurs. 27 July.

A Redemption Center person said Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would get notification for our appointments on Wed. 26 July or Thurs. 27 July.

A Contact tight with Citibank said Citibank would start exchanges on Friday 28 July.

A Bond Holder Paymaster said the USN would come out Wed. 26 July,GESARA would be announced on Thurs. 27 July and the rollout of NESARA would happen on Sun. 30 July or Mon. 31 July.

The general public Tier 5 would start on Thurs. 3 Aug.

  • Tues. 25 July MarkZ: Rumors are all over the place right now…that today is going to be huge and tomorrow will be great…I am hearing a lot about the 27th for a few days now…rumors that people have money …I just have not seen that economic receipt yet. But, I am seeing a lot of people under an NDA or being effectively “hushed” right now.  That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
  • Texas Snake Sun. 23 July:  Banker advised to have all trained staff in currency exchange process to be on immediate call beginning Mon. 24 July.
  • Goldilocks Sun. 23 July: The Stock Market is getting ready to go into correction after FOMC meeting on Wed. 26 July.
  • Charlie Ward stated that the RV will happen after a Global Financial crisis.
  • At the Wed. 26 July FOMC meeting the Stock Market will go into correction. …Goldilocks
  • On Thurs. 27 July Basel 3 Compliance will be implemented in the banks, withbanks closed that cannot prove gold/asset-backed assets. Along with the previous day’s Stock Market correction, bank closures would create shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as they moved into a real value.
  • Thurs. 27 July was also slated as the day to activate NESARA/GESARA. This last week of July US citizens expected to receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus their SS payments would increase. INTEL – July 27th ‘Restart of Planet Earth’ & The GESARA / NESARA Announcement – Schedule of Events (
  • On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.

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