Tuesday, July 4, 2023



...everyone is sitting at the ready…and the anticipation on the banking side as of yesterday they are still expecting some kind of announcement this week…they don’t know what that means as to when we go in…but, they have anticipation. We all hope it is accurate. …I think its highly “doable” and reasonable we see an 

Frank26 (KTFA)

All of you that are going to exchange your dinars into American dollars, where are those dinars going? Into our U.S. Treasury.  You think we can pay off the deficit Yeah in a blink of an eye

“We’re gonna see the 800 number soon  Frank?”

There is no 800 number…you want an 800 number? Take your credit cared, turn it around…there’s the 800 number for your bank.

 Call them when this thing happens and see what their rate is.  Want a universal 800#?  Call the U.S. Treasury…don’t do it now!  Wait till it happens.  But for there to be 1 number for every bank, every exchange institution, that’s an insanity even to consider.


In the 1930’s…You used to be able to get $4.86 for every Iraqi dinar you had.  This continued on up until…1950’s.  Then all of a sudden the value started to go down for decades.  Once you got to about 1971…$2.80…Then it went back up…$3.22…Then in 1973…$3.39.  This continued to about 1980…and has been in a steady decline ever since…

I agree it would be nice if they had a stronger currency.  I think it’d be more helpful.  They just don’t have the right things in place in order for them to jump up to a high exchange rate.  That’s why I said you’re going to see them doing it in increments.  It’s impossible for them to jump right into $3.22…All it takes is one small thing to happen within the oil market and it would totally collapse the entire economy.


MilitiaMan (KTFA)

There’s some squabbling going on who’s going to control the Iraq exchange rate that’s been going on in the parallel market…they have to change some things because it hasn’t been quite working …What would cure the parallel market is obvious to everybody.  It’s an exchange rate change.  Something significantly stronger than the dollar would clear it up…They’ve said yesterday the situation has become more urgent to adopt new approaches that focus on blocking illegal channels and providing the facilities and flexibility required for legitimate currency trading markets.


We expect the dinar to rise gradually as a result of the success and growth of their economy as a result of the private sector investment and the increase in their own GDP Iraq would make the dinar the main currency in Iraq which they’re beginning to do.  They need to continue this transition to the digital dinar…

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