Monday, July 10, 2023


Frank26 (KTFA)

Nothing will happen without the new exchange rate.  How do you get the new exchange rate?  By cleaning the floor of the CBI that has the new exchange rate so all Iraqi citizens will be well protected and their currency will not be stolen anymore, will not be counterfeited anymore … Sudani is busting everybody’s behind and it’s on a daily basis for the monetary reform…

XRP pairing with the dinar is a tell tale sign of an international float that’s coming with a pairing of many currencies with the Iraqi dinar.  

You have to know when to hold them and when to fold them.  When the new exchange rate comes out at least IMO 1 to 1, 90% of you are going to go to your banks and exchange.  You’re going to say, ‘I’m done.  I’m out of here.  I’m happy with this.’  And that’s enough.  That’s what the CBI is counting on by the way.  If you have only a few dinars I don’t blame you. But if you have a lot of dinars, I would tell you to consider exchanging 10% and holding onto the 90% and watch the float.

Mountain Goat


Does Iraq need this to RV? NO! But it certainly shows us once again just where this country of Iraq is slowly progressing more and more “open to the rest of the world”.


MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Halabousi was talking to the leaders of the country, the politicians etc, he says to run away before your arrest on corruption charges.  So the Speaker of the House of Representatives is telling the people, those of you that are corrupt, you better start running…There’s been 96 arrests…those arrests probably have some influence on why Halabousi has suggested these guys take off and start running.  

The Minister of Transport announced the completion of the port is 60%…At 1310 how many dinars is it going to cost to rebuild a port?  How’s that going to work?


It didn’t.  It’s not finished… Remember this 2023-24-25 budget is retroactive to the 1st of this year…If they change the exchange rate…if they got to 1 to 1 that’s 1300% cheaper.  What if they come back to the previous era…around $2.80 to $3.22…that’s 2600% cheaper… amazing how much cheaper that port’s going to be to build.  Same with all these construction projects…The country is going to have to import those materials.

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