Friday, July 14, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 07/14/2023

MarkZ Friday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Morning all! Happy FriYay….wishing all a blessed weekend.

Member: Hopefully is our last weekend of being broke/ broken

Member: I think we're just waiting for the announcement! We are so close!

MZ: As quiet as the news is today- It’s a good thing we have Mr. C 

Member: It's not good Mr C is here today, that means he didn't put in the codes yet

MZ: Everyone went really quiet since yesterday. Even redemption center folks have gone MIA….won’t respond. That can be a great thing……its quiet on the bond side and every side. 

MZ:  Yesterday was so noisy with expectation and anticipation of something between the 15th and 18th…to nothing today. I really thought we would get solid news overnight…..but,  It is eerily dead silent. 

MZ: So for Intel- I do not have any. 

Member: This really is like groundhog day..

Member: I believe this is the calm before the storm.

Member: Remember- Mark is just the messenger…not the trigger puller. 

MZ: I am hearing some chatter about banks in Europe failing….this is from many sources including main stream think tank sources who say we are going to see the implosion of the European banking system in the next few days…. But, we have heard these claims before. 

Member: If Europe Banks fail …..US banks would follow shortly thereafter imo

Member: Rumor is a UST employee is holding this up?

MZ: I believe the US is fighting it….but no rogue UST employee is holding it up. 

Member: the Iraqi government has been quoted in the news 2 times in the past day saying the US Treasury has a 'stranglehold' on their currency. I definitely think this is  the problem.

Member: At least Iraq seems to still be moving forward

Member: As for Iraq, Sudani is cleaning house, doesn’t want all the cockroaches in this new reform.

Member: I wonder -can Iraq just do it without the US holding their hands

Member: XRP case won- price nearly doubled yesterday :)

Member: GM all… my friend works in banking, said she signed an NDA but we are going to be very happy very soon!!! Woo Hoo!!

Member: Some are saying that XRP is pegged to IQD

Member:  Mark since IQD was pegged to XRP does that mean IQD rate is in line with IQD? or that it WILL be at some point

MZ: I guess it’s possible…I don’t think it’s likely but it is possible. 

Member: QFS ? I took some profit from xrp at 2pm yesterday and it was in my bank account by Midnight !!!

Member: Is there an influence of the XRP event yesterday on the RV? Or just affects the crypto world? 

Member: I still pray that we don’t get taxed on this exchange

Member: I still feel like the government will tax us to the max. Like crypto, if you cash in, 40% goes to the government.

Member: If Nesara happens there will be no taxes……..except a flat or fair tax on purchases. 

Member: Are we ever going to exchange our foreign currencies?  Just be straight!

MZ: Absolutely or I would not be here.   I am still here because I absolutely believe we will exchange our currencies. 

Member: I pray this is about to go because at this point it's ridiculous. So many false alarms by all the gurus over years has made us bitter.

Member: Are we soon getting a new can to kick? Been kicking this one since last august when we were reportedly at the finish line.

Member: when this happens we are not going to believe it…after all the “boy who cried wolf” reports over these long years. 

Member: Hang in there….The reward will be well worth the pain. 

Member: May this be the weekend we have all been waiting for!!!

Member: We need to stay positive and have no doubt! Remember it is not our timing, God's timing.

Member: Still hoping for a “Christmas in July!” 

Member: Thank MarkZ and Mr C for always being here for and sharing your information thoughts and opinions

Mr. Cottrell joins the stream about minute 15:00. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information.

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