Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   40:50 

Transcribed By WiserNow

everybody so the big call tonight is Tuesday, July 18. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe. I know we had a really good reach. On Thursday we had 94 countries 91 countries on Tuesday's call, with the 6.7 million live listeners listening to the call, and half a million listening to the replay, which was what 7.2 million total. That's in addition to free conference call, and anybody who listens to free conference call replay or a replay link. So that's pretty good reach. And that's right along with the probably the most that we've had in a while. So thanks for joining everybody tonight

I don't think we are going to have another call. I really don't. I don't think we're going to have one. All right. So why do I say that?

So first of all, yours truly was awakened at 7:02 this morning, which is a little earlier than I like to awaken, but I was given some information that led me to believe I might just get something delivered, which would have the toll free numbers.

Now, my understanding a little later in the day was yeah, like there needs to be some changes made to some paperwork. And I thought, okay, all right, fine. So hopefully they made those changes, and everything is set to go. Now. What I'm saying is, I don't know when I'm gonna get delivery, but I know it's pretty quickly here pretty soon.

What we are hearing from Iraq is their budget for 2023 is opened. And of course that has the actual dinar rate in it that they use to calculate the budgets. What I didn’t asked was, did everything get printed in the Gazette Sunday? That was the plan - was everything that would be in the Gazette Sunday.

It might have been that was the intention, and I did not have clarification on whether that happened. And even if it didn't, it doesn't really matter to us at this point.

What happened earlier today is every bank, every bank head, meaning – President -  the Vice President, of every bank around the globe, was notified to be prepared to chain communication to their bank personnel. That everything is to be started within 24 hours.

Now it is up to each individual bank to an extent as to when they will do start doing exchanges. And I can tell you right before the call tonight oh man bank communication phone calls emails was at a fever pitch?

You know, a lot of this stuff comes down to the fact where even and we know we've been through it, too. We've been told things were gonna happen and something didn't happen. And so we can't completely fault the banks for sitting, sitting back and kick back and not necessarily being ready. But they've been told under no uncertain terms to be ready.

Rearding windows when would it start? It would start tomorrow. We've got we have we have where our seating will play – 24 hrs starting today. Really meaning tomorrow is definitely in play. And tomorrow because of what I should have received today, and was fully intended to receive today – did notreceive yet. And that's the operative word Y E T? Because the day is not over yet. You catch my drift -

But I believe what one we've got information from two of our redemption centers. And one is saying notifications to us will come out between 930 and noon tomorrow. Let's see if that holds up. And we've also been told bondholders will get their emails, giving them access to funds. Their emails would arrive after 930 In the morning, and they would actually have access to funds before noon tomorrow.

These are bondholders - now we have another step. We receive that email we see toll free number we call the call center. And then we're routed to a redemption center in our zip code that we select to set our actual appointments. And I believe there's a chance we'll get these emails after 930 Sometime that'd be 931. It just means between 930 and probably noon and then we'll set up and there's a possibility that we will actually set our appointments and redemption center for some time tomorrow afternoon.

And if not, we should set our appointments for Thursday. So either way whenever we get the toll free number in an email from Wells Fargo - That to me is game over  - or game on .

 However we want to look at it because that's really what we're looking to receive. And from that point on we go and we are able to get started setting our appointments and going into our exchanges and redemption of Zim.

Now trying to think if there's anything else that even matters at this point,  any really political changes put any updates on that? Well, the latest update we had today was supposed to be by by by biden -  I don't know if it was that was what we were told by a certain number of contacts. And I don't know if that's true, or if it's in process. But I'll say one thing. We have been told and confirmed that President Trump would be back either on the 22nd or 23rd of July - 22 Is this Saturday - 23 is Sunday. So we'll see how that goes and what has to occur in the next couple days to make that happen. That's all we have anything political.

So we've got a really good and the reason I'm pretty excited about what should be happening tomorrow is because I was told that I would see something today - and I might still - so that's - that's exciting to me. That's telling me it's right there. It's right here. And I think it's a very positive step that they're they're taking to make this thing happen and to get it done.

I love the fact that all the bankers, all the heads of banks have been contacted. This is to go and to let their people know, it's real and it's starting. And we're underway. We've got certain people that we were hoping to hear from related to Charlie Ward that are no longer able to talk. They're under a fourth NDA. And it's precluding them from speaking to our people.

So I'm excited about where we stand right now, you guys. I think this is the closest we've ever been to having it actually manifest. And I'm excited about that.

That's what I wanted to bring to the call tonight about where we are. I look forward to this manifesting and I think we're gonna see something tomorrow, so stay tuned your emails. Remember?

My understanding is they want me to get the word out to people get the toll free number out and doing it on our website.  So it'll be on bigcalluniverse. com when  we’re able to get it and put it on there. And also, we should send out the emails more than likely tomorrow. I don't see us going out tonight. It would be tomorrow, some time.

But you guys, the only reason that makes any difference that we have an email list to send out the toll free number is some people that were gifted money or some people that change their email - they may not have your current email address - they being the Treasury and the Treasury has obviously given all that to  Wells Fargo and then Wells Fargo emails are loaded and ready to go out.

But people change emails or move or whatever they may not have everything that they need. So we're looking to sort of fill in the blanks. People that are listeners to the big call can go to big call and register their current email if they already haven't. If you already have we've got it. Okay and we'll be sending out a blast of emails with the toll free number on it.

Sort of a congratulations, email. And that could go out tomorrow, but you should be looking to your emails sometime tomorrow morning, mid morning, if they've come in before noon, and then you can set your appointments and get started. So that's what I've been told. That's what I've heard. And that's pretty much everything I wanted to share tonight.

 Oh everybody have a wonderful night tonight. As I said I don't expect to do another call. Let's see what happens with Sapporo brings and then hopefully we'll we'll see you on the other side. Do keep up with your emails from us. Because we will communicate with you when we do a call.

Enjoy some vacation time and breathe. Remember smell the flowers. Blow out the candles. Okay, all right, everybody. Have a good night. Everybody. Have a great night and have a wonderful time tomorrow. Let's pray the call out.

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