Thursday, August 15, 2024



Sat. 17 Aug. GESARA Announcement: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Sat. 17 Aug. with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of August 2024. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Mon. 12 Aug. 2024

· Mon. 19 Aug. Red Folder EAS/EBS Project Odin/Starlink: Don’t be shocked when it all happens. Project Odin as you may/not know is controlled by the military. Ten countries are said to be running the international broadcast on internet, TV, and radio – which will entail info on all corruption in government, banking, and military. Mon. 19 Aug. has the potential to be one of the craziest days in history. Alert! Panic Mode! It’s time for change! The final countdown! Upcoming: State of Emergency. Red Folder …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Tues. 13 Aug. 2024

· On Tues. 20 Aug. the EBS Emergency Broadcast System starts all over the World. The EBS starts on a Tues. so people can prepare on a Monday by buying food, medications, toilet paper. Take your money out of the bank.

· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Possible Iraqi Dinar Revaluation.

Jon Dowling & Carolyn Dennis Discuss The Great Wealth Transfer & Nesara ...

ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Baghdad signs 13 agreements to develop oil and gas fields BY DINAR REVALUATION, 15 AUGUST

Baghdad signs 13 agreements to develop oil and gas fields

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Ministry of Oil announced on Wednesday that it signed 13 preliminary agreements to develop 13 oil and gas exploration blocks and fields.

The agreements are part of the supplementary fifth and sixth licensing rounds initiated by the Iraqi government to increase the country’s production of oil, and particularly gas, which Iraq needs to operate its power plants.

The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, reaffirmed the ministry’s eagerness to increase oil and gas production by maximizing the utilization of available resources, according to a statement cited by the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

The agreements are expected to increase the country’s production of crude oil by 750,000 barrels per day and gas by 850,000 cubic feet per day, according to Abdul-Ghani.

The Iraqi Oil Minister indicated that these additional quantities will be used as fuel to operate power plants and, subsequently, support the energy sector in Iraq by generating electricity.

Iraq currently generates a little over 27,000 megawatts of electricity, but it requires 48,000 megawatts to cover its own demands, according to figures recently disclosed by Ahmed Musa, the Ministry of Electricity’s spokesperson.

80 percent of Iraq’s power plants run on gas, some of which is imported from Iran on a five-year deal, providing 50 million cubic meters of gas every day, according to Musa.

Iraq heavily relies on gas imports from Iran but has recently invested in many projects to start taking advantage of flared gas and using renewable energy to generate electricity.

Gas imports from Iran are extremely important for Iraq to generate electricity. However, US sanctions imposed on Iran make it difficult for Baghdad to pay for the Iranian gas.

Iraq witnesses daily power outages that may last up to 10 hours, but things worsen during the scorching summer when the temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Iraqi Minister of Electricity, Ziyad Ali Fadel, announced in mid-March that an agreement had been signed with Siemens Energy to turn flared gas into fuel within six months.

Fadel confirmed that the agreement is part of the efforts of the Iraqi government to stop gas flaring and use it to generate electricity.


Baghdad has recently signed 13 preliminary agreements aimed at developing oil and gas exploration blocks and fields. This move is part of Iraq's broader strategy to boost its oil and gas production capabilities. The agreements are expected to enhance crude oil output by 750,000 barrels per day and increase gas production by 850,000 cubic feet per day.

Iraq’s energy sector has been struggling with significant power shortages. Currently, the country generates about 27,000 megawatts of electricity but needs 48,000 megawatts to meet its demand. About 80% of Iraq’s power plants rely on gas, much of which is imported from Iran. However, due to US sanctions on Iran, payments for this gas have become complicated.

In response to these challenges, Iraq is investing in projects to utilize flared gas and explore renewable energy sources. Notably, an agreement with Siemens Energy aims to convert flared gas into usable fuel within six months. This initiative is part of Iraq's broader effort to mitigate gas flaring and improve electricity generation capabilities.



Iraq Law No. 56 of 2004

Iraq is in process of implementing their own digital banking system. They are moving to an electronic system that allows them to move money within their own International Banking System. 

Inside this law is Article 28. Article 28 allows the CBI to buy and sell foreign currency. It can now be done without conditions facilitating finance and international trade.

© Goldilocks





CBI Sent Currency Exchange Instructions to Banks🚩Be Ready For It🤔Dinar R...

ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Parliamentary Finance Committee discusses with US Embassy the financial and banking system and the lack of dollars in the market BY DINAR REVALUATION , 15 AUGUST

  Parliamentary Finance Committee discusses with US Embassy the financial and banking system and the lack of dollars in the market

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Tuesday, discussing the financial and banking system and the lack of the dollar in the Iraqi market with a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad.

A statement by the Parliament's media department received by / Today's News / stated that "the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, received at the committee headquarters, in the presence of Representative Khalil Al-Dawski, today, Wednesday, a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad, Minister Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs Julie Jules, Deputy Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs Angel Fintling, Macroeconomic Officer, Economic and Financial Section Michael Pinnell, and Economic Assistant/Economic Section, to discuss the financial and banking system in the country, Ammar Al-Ammar."

The statement continued, "The meeting discussed the financial and economic situation in the country and the repercussions of the parallel market issue and its negative impact on the government economically, in addition to the lack of the dollar currency in the market, and the sanctions imposed on some banks, as well as the issue of the electronic platform for exporting the currency."

The head of the committee stressed "the importance of high coordination between the two sides in order to solve the pending financial problems, in addition to the importance of transparent dealing to benefit from the capabilities, and not resorting to dealing in another currency," noting "the need to create an atmosphere of understanding and invest in building bilateral relations on this basis. "

Al-Atwani stressed "the committee's keenness to commit to combating financial corruption and confronting money laundering, as they are the basis for building societies, in addition to coordination in order to make correct decisions in this regard."

For her part, the Minister Advisor for Economic and Trade Affairs said that "there is a real opportunity for cooperation and reform of the economic and financial system between the two sides," stressing "working together to find appropriate solutions to all problems for the stability of Iraq as a basic ally of the United States."

The statement noted "providing clarification on the three-year general budget and plans for banking regulation and reform of the spending process, and how to finance projects, in addition to the importance of supporting the private sector and involving it with the public sector, which confirms the importance of investing the revenues achieved and the possibility of providing the service."
According to the statement, Al-Atwani pointed out the "ambition to legislate a law on partnership between the public and private sectors and involve the private sector in the market, in addition to working to amend the tax law and shift from the paper system to the electronic system."  link


The Parliamentary Finance Committee in Iraq held a meeting with a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad to discuss the challenges facing the country’s financial and banking systems. The meeting, which included key figures like Julie Jules, Angel Fintling, Michael Pinnell, and Ammar Al-Ammar, focused on several critical issues:

  1. Dollar Shortage: One of the major topics was the shortage of dollars in the Iraqi market, which has created significant economic challenges.

  2. Parallel Market: The committee discussed the negative effects of the parallel market on the economy, particularly its impact on the government.

  3. Sanctions on Banks: The sanctions imposed on some Iraqi banks were another area of concern.

  4. Electronic Currency Platform: The implementation of an electronic platform for currency exchange was also reviewed.

The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, emphasized the need for close cooperation between Iraq and the US to address these financial issues. He stressed the importance of transparency and the benefits of bilateral relations to solve these problems.

The Minister Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs, Julie Jules, acknowledged the potential for cooperation and reform, highlighting the opportunity to work together on solutions that support Iraq’s stability.

The discussion also touched on the three-year general budget, plans for banking regulation, and the financing of projects. Al-Atwani expressed a commitment to combating financial corruption and money laundering, which he sees as foundational to societal development. Additionally, there was a focus on involving the private sector more actively in the economy and modernizing the tax system.



💢 Happy News!! Only worked one hour earlier and got most of the workday approved VTO. Been a productive catch all day, getting things done and even spent time with Mr Ginger. Please pray with me that the last hour and a half gets cleared, too? (My 8 - 930 PM) It's been nice having a bit of time to focus on other stuff at home. 🏡💓🏡💓🏡 Love you GLL family 


Getting some positive news from Triple Cabin Extravaganza Happy Campers - just waiting until there's something solid to tell you other than, "We're waiting". There's no bad news whatsoever - so at least that's a plus. You know me -- tryna vet it before I tell it. 😉☺️ 

Maintain that circumspect focus, friends. Look at all avenues and then you won't get blindsided when what "they" said doesn't happen when "they" said it would. 

~ Gin Gin 8.13.24



 Freedom Prevails, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 

💥 Here are screenshots of the CBI website ... this IS SO EXCITING ...I can't translate the PDF exactly, but it has to be the instruction on currency exchange!!!!! I can feel the sand between my toes already and the sun shining on my face .... LET'S GO!!!! 🔥❤️🔥 

💢 Goldilocks confirmed this has to do with Foreign Exchange Service Providers Working Procedures 😁





Suggested Questions to ask at your "camper" appointment by GINGER, 12 AUGUST