Wednesday, August 14, 2024



The Governor of the CBI in Iraq "chaired the first preparatory meeting to establish a national company to manage central electronic payment systems in Iraq, with the participation of a number of bank officials, bank managers, electronic payment service providers, and the Iraqi Private Banks Association."

Iraq is preparing themselves for the full integration of their new Digital Banking System. They are currently working out the details of implementation that would become a National protocol for their new Banking System. 

It is good to see them get to this point, so they can begin the process of implementing their new banking reforms inside an International Electronic Payment System.

© Goldilocks


Let's take a closer look at where we are. About a week ago, we learned that the new QFS was placing ISO20022 codes to our new digital currency. 

Today, we are witnessing a place to record these Global currencies through Digital Ledger Technology (DLT). 

And, we are being reminded that the CFTC will be governing them. We now have a storehouse of value through Bitcoin on our markets and a smart contract Network through Ethereum to insure that enough money is on both sides of a trade. Ripple has been set free and will be moving digital currencies around on the new digital markets. Finally, we have several cryptos indexed into pairs against Ripple allowing crypto guidance for these digital coins to come up to par with Ripple.

Will Ripple replace Swift entirely or live-in coexistence together? We are already experiencing a coexistence in some cases. As Ripple adapts and expands into payment processes around the world, the ability to move into the primary source of payments will make it the new digital World Reserve Currency.

Is it time for MICA regulations to be introduced in America? It's coming, and new laws will be giving them validation, so a green light for the new QFS can  commence.

© Goldilocks

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