Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 03/19/2024

PDK Note: When Mark says there is no RV news-obviously I do not do notes……I will only transcribe RV Related or Intel with Financial relevance. Thanks for understandng.

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everybody! Praying God’s many blessings to you all.

Member: Does anyone remember hearing years ago this will happen in the spring? It’s the first day of spring today…

Member: Hope springs eternal.

Member: With there being less and less news day by day….Maybe it’s getting closer to happening?

MZ: I think the news is getting restricted as we get closer. I think the quiet is a positive sign. A number of sources were given cautionary notices to be quiet or NDA’s. So to me it’s a great sign that things are quiet. 

MZ: There are loads of unsubstantiated rumors out there …but nothing that can be verified.

MZ: Contacts in Iraq and around the world still think we are within days….but they have thought that before….so not going to jump out of my skin just yet. The quiet is probably the thing that is the most encouraging to me right now. 

Member: Our best hope may be that Iraq has gotten sick of the US messing with them and just goes alone……then the rest of the world may go after them………

Member: ​​Ramadan just started Mar 12 and goes 30 days. Maybe nothing until after that?

Member: Maybe Iraq need to RV before they go into Brics??

MZ: Yes news is a little slim…..MilitiaMan had a good one….a reminder that Iraq will be the savior of the world’s financial system. They clearly know their role in this process. 

Member: I wonder when Sudani is coming to the US?

MZ: That’s a great question. I have heard everything from “he is here already covertly” to “he is coming on Thursday” I wish I could pin it down exactly. But, he is expected within this week. 

Member: in 2022 you said a number of your bond holders had been paid. What do you believe now?

MZ: those were called swaps. They sold to private individuals or “speculators” . We are still waiting for Treasury/UST ect to start purchasing the historic bonds. That’s when we can get excited. But yes…back then there was some “bond flipping” going on. 

Member: Are we waiting for any other discernible markers…? We keep hearing everything is ready… but… apparently that isn’t the case?

Member: Mr.C said that everything is going to happen all at once with the flip of a switch!

Member: A while back I put into my calendar that Q F S is fully implemented on Saturday the 23rd. Can’t remember the source but it was calendar worthy

Member: I would love to see a new USN note just to know they are real.

Member: There has been a lot of chatter about the new notes, and a lot of dates that have come and gone, and still nothing :-(. We have heard about bank employees saying they “have it in the vault” but still

Member: WF and other banks are launching a new payment processor called PAZE? Maybe its part of the QFS???

Member: Any updates on specimen sheets for the Iraqi lower denoms? Anyone leak a picture?

MZ: I have not had anyone leak a picture yet. I do have some lower denoms that were released in the Kurdish region…(Mark holds up a few notes) and the plan is to use those temporariy while they distribute the new bills. 

Member: Mark, have you heard anymore about us having to pay a 35% tax when the RV happens on the dinar

Member: Frank26 still thinks we will be paying taxes. 

Member: Noone will know until we get there I think……Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. 

Member: They need to release the reset before Americans are forced to pay the cabal all their Tax money on April 15th….If Whitehats don’t want bad guys to get billions of our dollars….then do it before then !!

MZ: We don’t know everything going on in the background. But we are certainly frustrated with all of it. 

Member: All I know is that time is ticking to the point of no return-we need this now!

​​Member: Easter the 31st, Eclipse the 8th ... let's git the show on the road!!

Member: Sunday will be the 33rd Kuwait anniversary. 

Member: Thanks to all for encouragement. Just praying it happens soon….But hope and faith are hard to find right now. 

Member: Nothing, Nothing, Nothing…then Suddenly. 


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Traveling with the Iraqi Dinar and/or $10,000 in US Dollars What Can Happen BY SANDY INGRAM

Does Fitch's Rating Affect The Government's Only Financial "Arm"? An Expert Explains, 19 MARCH

 Does Fitch's Rating Affect The Government's Only Financial "Arm"? An Expert Explains

Time: 03/18/2024 11:51:13 Read: 1,898 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} An economic expert reduced the impact of the decision of the international credit rating agency {Fitch}, after it announced the reduction of the credit rating of the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) to {CCC+}.

Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani told {Al-Furat News} agency, “This classification is not new because it is an old classification, and it has been Iraq’s classification for years, although it is not good, and the Iraqi Trade Bank does not need bank credit because it is the government’s agent and finances government purchases and does not borrow, but rather it is He makes payments to the government, and talking about anything other than that is outside the jurisdiction.”

He added, "The international agency {Fitch} indicates that Iraqi banking institutions do not have complete transparency, and this is an indicator that we have had for years. The most important thing is that whoever is in charge of managing the Iraqi Trade Bank is being replaced on charges of corruption and mismanagement, so the problem is with the internal environment, not the external one, and this is what affects Iraq's classification." ".

Al-Mashhadani stressed, “The Fitch rating did not add anything new and does not affect Iraq.”

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said in a previous press statement, “Credit ratings are linked to the bank’s ability to obtain credit facilities, and the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) deals with full coverage of credits in advance, and therefore its documentary credits and financing of government imports will not be exposed to problems.”

He added, "Iraq is rated (b) negative, which is not a good classification, and no unit can be higher than the country's classification. TBI will remain a semi-central bank due to its large number of correspondents, the strength of its capital, and its high profits."

It is noteworthy that TBI Bank is the only Iraqi bank that has the right to send remittances abroad, due to the debts incurred by the country that prevent sending remittances and operations with the Rasheed and Al-Rafidain banks.   LINK


 Sun. 17 March Wolverine

 My Dearest Chosen Ones, we know the time of our blessing is approaching quickly, but for many, not as quickly as we had hoped, but we can see It IS happening. Right now, let’ set our sights on all we wish to accomplish, on all the goals we know we are going to accomplish.

 And of all things, each of you should be proud that despite all those who gave up, who lost faith, you are still here. The Prize Awaits you! Believe and have Faith! Hello everyone! I have received incredible news coming in today.

 Great News from Brazil who has the green light and that has been confirmed from other sources. Same thing happening in Hong Kong and that is also confirmed.

 It is also happening in other places around the world. However, use discernment, as it is not over “Till the Fat Lady sings,” and I am the Fat Lady!!! As soon the Admiral gives me permission to sing the opera, I will be singing it!! All is looking good according to ALL sources, and they gave me a 100% that it has started!

 Remain in faith and do not be negative. We know this is real or we would not be wasting our time here. Holly has put out great bank stories. We know Reno started as of a few days ago. 

MarkZ talked about a bond holders story who went to a bank and came out with an NDA. Many of my contacts are under NDA and they are not talking. That is all I have for you at the moment. Pray for God to release that opera. The Opera will be in three parts:

 1) A YouTube video put together by a very talented person I know. 

2) Liberation sound of the blowing of trumpets, remember the Charlton Heston movie, “The Ten Commandments,” when the Israelites were being liberated from slavery – there was a great resounding of trumpets! And 

3) finally THE OPERA! That is all I have for now my friends, take care,


(Transcribed by Carpathia)

🔥Iraqi dinar🔥 Congratulations 🔥$3.44 The Rate Set By Central Bank of IRA...

Al-Rasheed issues a warning to those wishing to apply for advances and loans, 19 MARCH

Al-Rasheed issues a warning to those wishing to apply for advances and loans

On Monday, Al-Rasheed Bank issued a caution to people seeking to apply for advances and loans.

In a statement obtained by “, the bank’s media warned against dealing with fake offices and pages to promote advances and loans,” indicating that “the bank has no relationship with any external party to promote advances and loans, and we deal directly with the citizen without an intermediary.”

The bank urged all those interested to “visit the bank’s branches or through the electronic application.”


 Militia Man  

Article: "Parliamentary Finance: The federal budget is in the corridors of the Council of Ministers, and there is no specific date for sending it

 Quote:  "On June 12, 2023, the Iraqi Parliament approved the tripartite budget law for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025.  Last year’s total budget amounted to 197 billion dinars, which is the largest in the

country’s history."  Take note that they used 197 Billion Dinars. That is a little over $150 million USD at the current exchange rate of 1,310 IQD... Seriously? I do not think so, unless they have done something we have yet to see.

 Iraq is going to go through that industrial revolution because they're going to rebuild the country.  The evidence is quite clear. The fascinating part about it is we had Al-Sudani/his government say they were going to do the project to delete the zeros...They were going to have the Iraqi dinar be worth 1.32 dinars to the dollar.  That equates to about $0.76. 

 Those folks that talk about a LOP, how do they explain that?  They can't because that's not what it is.

Al Sudani has told the citizens the dinar is going to be stronger.  $0.76 is not stronger however once they delete the zeros then they can apply their Real Effective Exchange Rate.  Totally different ball game.  Totally different circumstances.  Pay attention.  Let's see how this turns out.

...If they adjust the exchange rate and delete the zeroes who's going to need the dollar when they apply the new Real Effective Exchange Rate to it?

   Nobody is going to need the dollar because the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar and that's my opinion.  We are in a situation where ...a political crisis...or surprises could change the exchange rate and that could come within hours...

 Article:  "Economics website: A new application enhances investment movement in Iraq"   

Quote:  “...The new index, called (RSISX Total Return), compares currency exchange rate changes and the returns achieved.”  It is not surprising they have a new RSISX Total Returns index for currency exchange rate changes. With Al-Sudani's government mention of 1.32 dinars to the dollar yesterday and then today we see that there is talk of smaller denominations. Small enough to make change for 250 notes...Put all that with this new index being launched suggests for me, is that they are ready for change to come and not just in the exchange rate but...as in fils...This is another good sign Iraq is opening up to the world in a big way.



  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...