Monday, February 26, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 02/26/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Monday Morning To Mark, mods and RVer’s

Member: Is this finally going to be our week?

Member: Any truth to the rumor that Iraq joined the WTO this weekend?

MZ:: We don’t have it officially yet. We have a February statement by the WTO that it had been expected in 2023…..we see the prep…we see all the groundwork…just waiting for it to be official.  I think the ascension to the WTO will be announced right after the rate change….imo

Member:  Rumor:   “8 countries joined the WTO yesterday. Iraq was one of them. It’s on the WTO website.The WTO meeting ends Feb. 29th.”-Holly

Member: I heard the assention to the WTO to happen between the 26th and 29th??

Member: Frank dropped a bit of a bombshell yesterday

Member: Frank26 says “This is it” and Walkingstick says it's on our Door Step!!

Member: Frank26 said they showed the citizens pictures of new notes (lower denoms) 

MZ: So much coming out of Iraq from ministers and economists this weekend….and a lot is being discussed on Iraqi TV stations over there. 

MZ: Many stories specifically on the US meeting with Sudani about the troops leaving Iraq…and to set the date for that removal.  . And Iraq being soveriegn. 

MZ: MilitiaMan had a good video talking about a lot of stories I was going to share today. Final integration globally and the amount of IQD that they have been publically removing from circulation… sure to go watch and support him.

Member:   MM seemed pretty excited in the last video

MZ: Iraq has removed trillion of dinar from circulation will will greatly help support its value . 

MZ: Now over the weekend- this is where it gets fun….There was a lot of conversation and many stories about needing to have a committee for “repricing” Why do they need to reprice?  Maybe they are getting ready to change the value of the dinar??? This is HUGE. 

MZ: And they were very up front over the weekend on “Removing the zeros”  and this process provides more purchasing power …they call this the “mechanism to delete the zeros”  This process requires increasing purchasing power when deleting the zeros ….this was a huge weekend. 

Member: I read Iraq is going to exchange 1000 old dinars for 1 new dinar and then RI to 1980 price thus increasing purchasing power

Member: I think in the 1989’s the rate was still $3.22. 

Member: Will Iraq have a brand new currency?

Member: That is the lower denominations and they are already printed…..articles from years ago say. 

MZ: As they increase their value they need to update their bills including the lower denominations 

Member: The project to delete the 3 zero notes is to delete those notes from circulation…not to delete the zeros. 

Membr: Per Frank from last nights podcast: “Iraq is repricing its repricing its market products e.g. foodstuffs . Iraq is also recalculating their budget based on the last 3 budget years and Sudani is making the monetary/banking reform the highest  priority. 92% of cash (3 zero notes ) have been recovered due to their new electronic payment system”  

MZ: 92 % is HUGE……..Be sure to go watch Franks videos and like, support and share his videos. 

MZ: That’s a great way of looking at it. 

MZ: Also big: Head of the Rothschild banking family “Jacob Rothschild –financier dies at age 87” Interesting timing…. 

MZ: “ Ready for fiat system collapse: Dutch Central bank admits Gold Backed Currency plan”  They state this is just in case of a fiat collapse. They are prepared and have set aside gold for this. Their system can instantly go gold backed. More and more central banks are saying the same thing. 

Member:  I'm hearing a lot of chatter that the bolivar will be a big surprise

Member: it is rumored that Venezuela is joining BRICS! Pretty positive news, for sure!

Member: Still hoping  Nesara and the reset will happen at the same time

Member:  I was told the new USN had to be announced first...before the RV can take place.

Member: Maybe it will happen at the same time?

Member: So should we exchange at banks or redemption centers?

Member: Mark says redemption centers are mostly in banks and will be where we go when the time comes.

Member:  Asked at our bank about changes in the banking and they said yes, we have been learning a whole new system. Asked it it was the QFS, they said yes, and it will be much faster and more secure!

Member:  according to Julie Green.. old financial order is to be replaced asap!!

Member: I saw a post that US troops in Poland are now training for a “World wide blackcout”  No time frame was mentioned. 

MZ: We are hearing the same thing from law enforcement agencies and emergency services over here….They say they are preparing for a black-out, tech-out. It would be foolish for us not to make some common sense preparations. 

Member: Mark do yoou think the RV is going this week?

MZ: I don’t know but,, the amount of chatter is insane and huge. A lot of people thought it was going over the weekend but it didn’t. 

Member: Thanks everyone…..very exciting day today….have a wonderful Monday and see you all tonight. 

Member: Happy birthday to all who are celebrating today. 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Saturday February 24, 2024

Ariel: He says

What I am about to upload should be read carefully. Because it goes back to a lot of what I explained to everyone. One thing you need to understand is that you have what the banks need during the transition period.

And that is a Tier 2 asset called the Iraqi dinar. The article will explain this to you formally.

By having a strong Tier 2 capital base, banks can weather financial storms more easily and maintain their ability to lend money and support the economy. That's where you come into play. Your IQD will play a vital role once you re-establish yourself in the Forex market.

Iraq will officially connect with relevant foreign banks on March 1 to improve external balances.

After that will come the next big step: complying with Article 8 and restoring the IQD in global trade markets. After reading the article, you will understand why banks held the meeting on February 20 for Tier 2 assets.


 Sábado 24 Febrero 2024

Ariel : Dice
Lo que estoy a punto de subir debe leerse con atención. Porque se remonta a mucho de lo que les expliqué a todos. Una cosa que debe comprender es que tiene lo que los bancos necesitan durante el período de transición.
Y ese es un activo de Nivel 2 llamado dinar iraquí. El artículo le explicará esto de forma formal.
Al tener una sólida base de capital de Nivel 2, los bancos pueden capear las tormentas financieras más fácilmente y mantener su capacidad para prestar dinero y respaldar la economía. Ahí es donde usted entra en juego. Su IQD desempeñará un papel fundamental una vez que se restablezca en el mercado Forex.
Irak se conectará oficialmente con los bancos extranjeros correspondientes el 1 de marzo para mejorar los equilibrios externos.
Después de eso, vendrá el siguiente gran paso: cumplir con el Artículo 8 y restablecer el IQD en los mercados comerciales globales. Después de leer el artículo, comprenderá por qué los bancos celebraron la reunión el 20 de febrero para los activos de nivel 2.

Iraqi Dinar -- IQD -- Final Reconciliation - Integration Globally - Iraq...BY MILITIAMAN

Al-Sudani: Strategic Projects Will Work To Attract Partnership And Economic Integration In Iraq, 26 FEB

 Al-Sudani: Strategic Projects Will Work To Attract Partnership And Economic Integration In Iraq

Reconstruction and building  Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed on Sunday that major strategic projects will work to attract partnership and economic integration, while pointing to Iraq's foreign position.

Al-Sudani's statements came in a dialogue symposium held by the Baghdad Institute for Dialogue, under the slogan (Regional Communication... The Centrality of Iraq), during which current topics and the course of Iraqi relations with neighboring countries and the world were discussed, and the most prominent positions in this regard were discussed.

Al-Sudani pointed out, at the beginning of his speech during the symposium, the importance of these research institutions in decision-making, and their focus on facts away from confusion and prejudices, indicating that the government has set a basic goal for its work, which is to build trust with the Iraqi street, which is itself a criterion for determining priorities in work. .

On the security axis, he stressed that ISIS today represents a defeated organization. The recent operations of our armed forces have proven its inability to exist even in remote areas. If stability is achieved and the capabilities of our forces develop, they will strengthen the conviction of the possibility of ending the presence of the international coalition and moving towards bilateral relations.

Regarding foreign relations, the Prime Minister stated that Iraq follows a balanced approach, staying away from alliances and axes, and is open to developed relations with everyone, and has the ability to communicate with them, and also has distinguished relations with the United States and Iran.

Al-Sudani reiterated "Iraq's position that rejects its lands being an arena for others' conflict, pointing out the importance of intertwining interests in the region, and the shift from political focus to economic focus."

He continued by saying, "Major strategic projects, such as the Development Road Project, will work to attract partnership and economic integration, and they reinforce Iraq's idea of proposing an economic bloc, as was previously proposed at the Arab Summit, as projects that fuel development and enhance integration between Arab countries."  99 views 02/25/2024 -


Sunday February 25, 2024

Frank26: He says

 The Minister of Commerce of the GOI (Government of Iraq) and the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) have formed a committee to review the prices of

 Estate. Eliminate black markets.

 Walking Stick has said that when you see the price change, it's time to get excited!

 That's upon us now. This is the precursor of the new exchange rate!

 Frank26 continues... 3 year budget recalculation/cancellation along with this due to new tariff coming

 Today the HCL (Hydrocarbon Laws) are being finalized in Parliament

 * Sudan at the grand opening of a refinery.

 * CBI on government television saying there are no liquidity problems.

 * 92% of all higher denomination dinars have been deposited/traded in preparation for using debit cards and new lower denominations.

 * New travel mechanism coming soon ONLY to obtain US Dollars. There are restrictions on US dollars for citizens to use only dinars. 

*IQD (Iraqi Dinar) has no restrictions.

 * Iraq invests in the petrochemical industry as a leader.

 * Al Sudani gave an encouraging speech in which he put economic and banking reforms as one of his top priorities.

 * Big dispute in the plenary session of Parliament over the HCL law. You are well prepared to receive the new exchange rate

 Frank says don't worry about it.

 * All government services will be paid electronically in 2024. It is impossible to have a liquidity problem

 * CBI goes from company to company... door to door collecting US dollars to get them off the streets.

 * Monetary reform is done first to ensure that economic reforms work.

 * The KTFA family comes to Chase and opens their accounts

 * Red tape and corruption are being eliminated. Inflation will stop

 * A monthly bulletin will be published with prices adjusted to address the floating due to currency changes and factors that affect prices in local markets and the mechanism that will be adopted in calculating prices. That is to say. variable due to the upcoming exchange rate and will be floating as soon as the dollar falls and the three zeros come out.

 * Conclusion... Frank26 is excited... You should be too...


Hernán Robert Hbravo



Domingo 25 Febrero 2024

Frank26 : Dice
El Ministro de Comercio del GOI (Gobierno de Irak) y el CBI (Banco Central de Irak) han formado un comité para la revisión de los precios de
Bienes. Elimina los mercados negros.
Walking Stick ha dicho que cuando veas la modificación de precios, ¡es hora de emocionarse!
Eso está sobre nosotros ahora. ¡Este es el precursor del nuevo tipo de cambio!
Frank26 continúa... Recálculo/cancelación del presupuesto de 3 años junto con esto debido a la nueva tarifa que viene
Hoy se ultiman en el Parlamento las HCL (Leyes de Hidrocarburos)
* Sudán en gran inauguración de una refinería.
* CBI en la televisión del gobierno diciendo que no hay problemas de liquidez.
* El 92% de todos los dinares de denominación superior se han depositado/negociado en preparación para utilizar tarjetas de débito y nuevas denominaciones inferiores.
* Próximamente nuevo mecanismo para viajes SÓLO para obtener Dólares Estadounidenses. Existen restricciones en dólares estadounidenses para que los ciudadanos utilicen solo dinares.
* IQD (dinar iraquí) no tiene restricciones.
* Irak invierte en la industria petroquímica como líder.
* Al Sudani pronunció un discurso alentador en el que puso las reformas económicas y bancarias como una de sus principales prioridades.
* Gran disputa en el pleno del Parlamento sobre la ley HCL. Está bien preparado para recibir el nuevo tipo de cambio
Frank dice que no te preocupes por eso.
* Todos los servicios gubernamentales se pagarán electrónicamente en 2024. Es imposible tener un problema de liquidez
* CBI va de empresa en empresa... puerta a puerta recogiendo dólares estadounidenses para sacarlos de las calles.
* La reforma monetaria se hace primero para garantizar que las reformas económicas funcionen.
* La familia KTFA llega a Chase y abre sus cuentas
* Se están eliminando los trámites burocráticos y la corrupción. Se detendrá la inflación
* Se publicará un boletín mensual con precios ajustados para atender la flotación por cambios de moneda y factores que afectan los precios en los mercados locales y el mecanismo que se adoptará en el cálculo de precios. Es decir. variable por el tipo de cambio que viene y estará flotando en cuanto el dólar baje y se salgan los tres ceros.
* Conclusión... Frank26 está emocionado... Tú también deberías estarlo...
Hernán Robert Hbravo

Coffee with MarkZ. 02/26/2024

Iraqi Dinar | I Know I See A Rate Change A SHO NUFF Rate Change | Iraqi ...


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...