Friday, February 9, 2024


 Militia Man 

 They [Iraq] have been on steroids... ever since Al-Sudani took office and they allowed him to go to the UN assembly meeting and then over to Davos.  Now the UN is talking about releasing them from UN Chapter VII sanctions because the mission from the UN is coming to a close... 

[NOTE:  See the full Dinar Guru Possible To Do List in the left column of this page.]

There was a kind of documentary out showing how they were destroying triple zero notes.  Think about it, if you had printed trillions and trillions of notes, it takes a long time to reduce your note count....

The fact they were going to be doing this whole delete the zeros project from the exchange rate they were going to have a use for what? [Coins] They even talked about coins in the last week...The project to delete the zeros, they're still in the process of doing it.

Iraqi Dinar🎉Iraq’s Officially Remove Three Zeros from The Currency-Iraqi...

Al-Sudani: The development path is on its way to implementation…and the details of the Baghdad metro and the Karbala-Najaf train are announced {expanded}, 9 FEB

 Al-Sudani: The development path is on its way to implementation…and the details of the Baghdad metro and the Karbala-Najaf train are announced {expanded}

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced, this evening, Thursday, the launch of investment opportunities for the Baghdad metro project and the Karbala-Najaf express train project, during a ceremony attended by a number of representatives , ministers, ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions.

The ceremony witnessed the signing of a contract between the Ministry of Transport and the alliance of CHSS and HSS, two Lebanese and Malaysian companies that will provide their advisory services for the project. In a speech he delivered during the ceremony, the Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of my ministry; Transport, Planning, the Investment Authority, the Municipality of Baghdad, and the consultants are preparing and arriving for this day and announcing these opportunities that will be available to the local, Arab and international private sector, as well as preparing to contract with consulting companies That will undertake the tasks of auditing statements, designs, feasibility studies and supervising the implementation of these large projects.

Al-Sudani explained that the Baghdad Metro project was included in the designs of the city of Baghdad decades ago, and was subject to much diligence and research, and was included in budgets without being implemented on the ground, stressing the implementation of the government’s vision. to advance the public transportation sector as one of the most important means that provides ease of transportation, and provides… Time and cost, especially for low-income groups, in addition to the fact that it is an environmentally friendly project as it will operate on electrical energy.

Al-Sudani also pointed to the second investment opportunity represented by the train line linking Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf and Holy Karbala, which has been talked about for years in the transportation crisis between these two cities, which witnessed continuous millions of visits on religious occasions, and large, almost daily visits.

He pointed out that the development road project is on its way to implementation, and the investment portfolio for the rehabilitation and development of Baghdad International Airport will soon be completed.

The ceremony witnessed the announcement by the Chairman of the Investment Authority to set next Monday, February 12, as the date to open applications for companies on the Authority’s platform in order to submit their offers on the two projects.

The consulting contract for the Baghdad Metro project was signed by the Mayor of Baghdad, while the consulting contract for the Karbala-Najaf Express Train was signed by the Director General of the General Railway Company, one of the companies of the Ministry of Transport.

It is noteworthy that the Baghdad Metro project consists of 7 lines and 14 road stations distributed among regions; Al-Alawi, Al-Shaab, Aviation Square, Al-Baladiyat, Al-Kadhimiya, Baghdad Airport, Al-Dora, Maysloun Square, Al-Zafaraniyah, Aden Square, Al-Bayaa, and Al-Qadisiyah, and passes in multiple lanes , with a transportation capacity of up to three million passengers per day. It covers 85% of the area of ​​the capital, Baghdad.

Express-type trains will be adopted at an estimated speed of (80-140 km/h), with an automated digital metro system that runs on electric power and without a driver and includes all means of communication.

The railway tracks enter through tunnels up to 20 meters deep, to avoid any conflicts with the streets and infrastructure services. The stations include facilities to receive arrivals and departures, elevators, movable and fixed escalators, commercial stores, cafeterias, bathrooms, administrative and service rooms, parking lots for cars and buses, and power generation stations. The station consists of two departure platforms. The two reception areas are completely separate from each other, and the project also includes workshops and warehouses for maintaining, washing and cleaning trains, and maintaining railway corridors to change tracks.

As for the Najaf-Karbala train project, it consists of 4 main stations starting from Najaf Airport, passing through Karbala Airport, arriving at the Baghdad Garage in the city of Karbala, on an elevated railway line, with a distance of (90) km , with a highly efficient metro system, and with air-conditioned cars at a speed of (240). km per hour. It includes special compartments for women and children, and seats for people with special needs and the elderly, in addition to the stations containing shops, cafeterias and various service facilities.



Article: "Observer: Ending the mission of the United Nations office in Iraq takes Iraq out of Chapter Seven"  


 Last year we sent many of you to banks and you came back with the same story, 'They said it's a scam.'  Towards the end of December, 'Some of them are telling us it's not a scam and they talk to us.'   ...
January more and more banks are saying, 'We know.  We just don't know when.'  That's why I believe that bringing you a bank story with the bank information can be helpful.

If I was the CBI within the next couple of weeks, no later sometime in this month, I would have banks show the Iraqi citizens practice currency sheets in the they can practice with the citizens of Iraq.   

Iraqi Dinar--International Praise for Iraq's Achievements - Unprecedented BY MILITIAMAN

Washington: We Support The Sovereignty Of Iraq And Are Holding Talks With It About The American Military Situation There, 9 FEB

Washington: We Support The Sovereignty Of Iraq And Are Holding Talks With It About The American Military Situation There

Time: 02/08/2024 Read: 936 times {Politics: Al-Furat News} US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby announced Washington’s support for the sovereignty and unity of Iraq. Kirby said in a press statement, "We have good relations with Iraq and we support its territorial sovereignty."

He added, "We are holding talks with Iraq about the American military situation in the country."

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasool, announced in a brief statement this evening, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, that “to discuss and schedule the end of the international coalition’s mission in Iraq, the Supreme Bilateral Military Technical Committee between Iraq and the United States of America will resume its work next Sunday.”

It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed during his meeting with the Spanish Minister of Defense today that “the insistence on ending the international coalition’s mission in Iraq comes after the Iraqi forces gained advanced capabilities in combating terrorism, and the remnants of ISIS no longer pose a threat to the Iraqi state.”  LINK



  [via PDK]   Comment: They cannot use lower denom notes without the RV/RI- it would be an economic disaster.  MarkZ:  Yes it would. There is no need for lower denominations unless the big ones have too much value.

 Question:  Does...the HCL...have to pass for the RV?   MarkZ:  I was told from day 1 that within hours of seeing the HCL pass…we would see a new rate …, I keep looking for it…but we don’t necessarily have to have it.  

Comment: Still hearing they are showing the new lower denoms in Iraq at the banks.  MarkZ:  I had heard they are showing the specimen sheets at all the banks…and I am not the only one hearing that.  


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...