Monday, January 29, 2024



[via PDK]

 “US dollar exchange rate drops in Baghdad and Erbil”  Iraq is going to be forced to pull that trigger sooner rather than later. This is a good sign for us and is going to force them to push forward with a value change. They want to be pegged to a basket to realize their full value.

   “ Urgent- The foreign ministry announces the success of the Iraqi-American negotiations  on the presence of coalition forces in the country”  This has really been some kind of week over there. Years ago Trump told us the troops would leave when Iraq gets revalued and we get paid.

Instead of Romansky Bide nominates new ambassador to Iraq” This one is important as the ambassador heading over there also oversaw Turkministans revaluation not long ago. He is renown for helping  financial reforms in countries.  I don’t know if they are getting ready to let Iraq go its own way or not. But it appears to be a key move at a key time with a key person. 

Iraqi dinar Exciting Times, Iraq's PM Talks Shorter Wait for Currency Re...

Central bank sets new ceilings for prepaid cards, 29 JAN

Central bank sets new ceilings for prepaid cards

Economy News – Baghdad

The Central Bank of Iraq on Monday set new ceilings to fill prepaid cards known as prepaid.

The central bank sent a letter to banks and electronic payment companies, and “Economy News” obtained a copy of it, that the maximum limit of the card balance is 10 million dinars.

He added that “the ceiling of withdrawals from ATMs inside Iraq is 2 million dinars or what is determined by the owner of the ATM machine and the monthly card balance does not exceed.”

Coffee with MarkZ. 01/29/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good morning all….. Happy Monday!!

MZ:  There is construction work on going today here and may cut the podcast short due to noise. If it is too much we will cut this morning short after the news and go much longer this evening or even start tonight considerably early. There is a ton going on.

Member: Maybe today is the day! Rumor has it that paymasters have the codes and have punched them in,

MZ: I can tell you I have a number of bond folks that are now “NDA”d” It is getting very interesting. I was told specifically that they could “no longer talk-NDA” But, I do not know if it means they have money or not. 

Member: I bet they were told to shut up or they won't get any money

Member: Many NEED NDA's because they can't keep their mouths quiet anyway. If we have one it is for your own safety and privacy.

Member: Are rates showing up on US bank screens?

MZ: Probably. …Screens are confusing ….back screens , or front screens?  .but I have not personally seen them show up on the tellers screens yet though. But there are reports of tellers showing people the rates. 

Member:  my bank manager said iqd have always been on the screen just been inactive

Member: Wolverine posted on Telegram Community that he had to be quiet and it’s time to  buckle up

Member: With all the battles going on in the country and around the world.- How is it possible to have a revaluation of currencies?

MZ: The revaluation brings the peace….not peace bringing a revaluation .there will never be sustained peace until they take care of imbalances. 

Member: I heard the RV help the banks be Basel 3 compliant.

Member: Once investors can't get their $$$ out...the bankruns begin...IMO...

Member: Can the RV happen before the Mar. 11 fiat/asset backed flip?

MZ: I don’t know anything about that date….but its anticipated to happen soon. Can it happen before that date? Absolutely- especially what is happening this week. Today has already been a huge day 

MZ: “Evergrande was once China’s biggest property developer and has now been ordered to liquidate”  the real estate giant owes over $327 billion . China is in trouble guys. 

MZ: “ US dollar exchange rate drops in Baghdad and Erbil”  Iraq is going to be forced to pull that trigger sooner rather than later. This is a good sign for us and is going to force them to push forward with a value change. They want to be pegged to a basket to realize their full value. 

MZ: “Iraq is still in talks with Us to end troop mission against Isis”  I think we are getting closer and closer. 

MZ: “JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and Goldman Sachs draft landmark lawsuit against Federal Reserve”  All this is over Basel 3. So with basel 3 30% of people would be able to get their money out of the banks in case of a bank run…instead of the only 20% now. 

Member: What would be considered “double dipping”?

MZ:. I am told you will only get the preferential rate once. You can exchange many times…but only one appointment to get the best rate. But, if one currency goes before all the others…imo there will be no such thing as double dipping. Stop worrying about double dipping. 

Member: My family is starting to get a little discouraged with nothing going on. it's hard to keep them believing.!

Member: Just hang on a little longer. We are on the cusp…….Then you can say “I told you so” 

Member: Thanks to all…..see you all tonight and maybe Mark will have great news for us. 

Nader briefly joined the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions



 Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Wolverine:


You do not and will not know where they are until after the RV occurs, when it is time to schedule your appointment. You will be given a phone number to call the redemption center closest to you.

Some top tier banks will have a private client office (above) away from the prying eyes of other clients/other employees, which has been established as an RC where speculators in this case can redeem Zim and exchange their foreign currency with greater anonymity .

There is likely to be a Redemption Center office area located on some military bases as well, which is beneficial for increased security to keep speculators safe.

They are being kept secret for now and won’t be released (yet), plus there are at least 7,000 RCs in the US alone, so no, I’m not going to tell the locations to my followers, as your comment suggests, it’s my obligation to do so.

Give me some time. You can count on major Tier 1 and Tier 2 banks to have an internal RC private office area set up for added security and this will obviously be in all major cities as well as other good sized cities.

Those who live in small towns or rural areas may have to drive approximately 50 to 80 miles to get to the Redemption Center closest to them.


Pimpy and Nader 01/28/24

Sudani: Structuring government companies is the essence of economic reform, 29 JAN

 Sudani: Structuring government companies is the essence of economic reform

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani chaired on Sunday the second meeting, which was devoted to following up the process of structuring and regulating government companies.

Al-Sudani, at the beginning of the meeting, according to a statement for his office, a copy of which was received by {Euphrates News}, to “the importance of this process and its role in the core of economic reform, which subjects companies to correct economic foundations and standards, stressing that this step falls at the heart of the strategic goal of raising the contribution of non-oil revenues to the output and national income.”

He added that “the meeting came out with a number of decisions that included general principles to proceed with the financial and economic reform and structure of companies, in a way that enhances the national economy and its stability.”السوداني-%C2%A0هيكلة-الشركات-الحكومية-تمثل-جوهر-الإصلاح-الاقتصادي

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...