Friday, January 26, 2024


 Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

We are approaching a sink-or-swim situation. The Banking System has prepared well for the up-and-coming volatility inside the markets and banking system with new capital requirements to minimize many of the fluctuations that are about to come our way in every sector of the market.

New Tokenized Assets are creating new Protocols and opportunities to bring in money spent outside of the banking system. These new assets will be governed through artificial intelligence in many cases capable of helping investors navigate through the new landscape of the new digital economy.

As these forces are brought together, price distortions will come into the new financial system seeking new algorithmic support levels. It will be the new support levels that will determine new prices on the road ahead of us as Global Markets begin to transition into a Global Currency Reset capable of measuring and controlling these new rates through new Quantum Technologies.

© Goldilocks

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell 01/26/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell 01/26/2024

Member: Happy Fri-yay…. I hope all have a blessed weekend!!

Member: we are watching January coming to its end

Member: Is this weekend a possibility?

MZ: It is definitely a possibility.

MZ: There is lots of great chatter from the bond community. Some are doing last minute preparations …lots of chatter- but no money yet. 

MZ: A number of bond contacts are expecting full funding this coming week. I hope they are right

Member: What do bond folks have to do with us?

MZ: They are like the canary in the mine and will let us know timing as to when we should expect to go. 

MZ: Very quiet out of Iraq ….also quiet for CMKX, PP’s ect….and quiet on the banking side. .

Member: I wonder when the bonds go is that when Zim goes?

Member: Since banks are starting to see rates on screes,I believe thats an indication that things are extremely close!?

Member: Has anyone verified the rate of $2.40 from the bank story from last night?

MZ: Not yet…. but a number of bankers are telling me that is exactly the rate they are seeing on screens right now. From $2.38 to $2.40

Member: If the national taxes-after Nesara goes to 15% tax or so….what will state taxes be?

MZ: It’s my understanding that the new tax will be all inclusive. It’s a VAT (value added tax)and a certain percentage will go to the federal government and a certain percentage goes to the state and a certain percentage goes to your local government. That is how it is supposed to work. 

Member:  I went to a chase bank yesterday just to see about the zim. The teller looked it up and it’s definitely in their systems but they’re not exchanging it yet

Member:  Do you still believe a bunch of countries go, or is it just Iraq?

Member: It’s possible Iraq will go alone….but most still think the first basket will go at the same time…..or close to the same time….including IQD, VND and Zim…..we hope. 

Member: God willing we hopefully don’t have much time left to wait on this blessing!!!

Member: The internet along with Telegram will explode when this thing finally happens

Member: the greater my expectations are , the more I'm disappointed. Age and experience shows me to be patient and pray

Member: Hoping, Wishing and Praying this weekend is “IT”

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Guru’s join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their opinions and information. 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Zim dollar update for 01/25/24 - Zim bonds and Argo cheques BY PIMPY

Fly Baghdad is negotiating with the Americans to lift sanctions against it, 26 JAN

Fly Baghdad is negotiating with the Americans to lift sanctions against it

Baghdad – Fly Baghdad Civil Aviation Company considered that the sanctions imposed on it by the US Treasury Department on the grounds of transporting weapons and ammunition to Syria and Lebanon and supporting banned organizations are not based on evidence.

The company pointed out that it had worked for years under the direct supervision of the Iraqi government, and said that it would resort to the law to demand material and moral compensation against the US Treasury, indicating that it was in the process of negotiating with the American side to lift the sanctions.

Last Monday, the US Treasury included the company and its CEO, Bashir Abdul Kadhim Alwan Al-Shaibani, on the sanctions list, because of what it said was providing assistance to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its proxy groups in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

The Treasury stated that the company, for several years, supported the operations of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its agents by delivering equipment and personnel to several parts of the region, and by delivering arms shipments to Damascus International Airport, for transfer to members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and groups allied with Iran on the ground in Syria. , including the Syrian Arab Republican Guard, the Lebanese Hezbollah, and the Iraqi Hezbollah and Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Brigades.

A deadline for negotiation.
The air advisor and company security director, Captain Nimir Al-Qaisi, told Al Jazeera Net that the company is in the process of negotiating with the American side, especially since the company has a period of two months to convince the American authorities to lift the sanctions, indicating that the company has been subject to the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority since its establishment in 2015, and holds an operating and renewal license. annually.

Al-Qaisi did not give further details, but he confirmed that after two months, every incident will be updated.

Mutual pressure.
In this regard, political analyst Jabbar al-Mashhadani believes that the American media hype around Fly Baghdad calls for ridicule, and even if it is not fabricated, it comes in the context of mutual pressure between the two parties to the conflict in the region, Iran and America, indicating that Washington and the entire world know that Iran has armed Hezbollah. In Lebanon, and by the party’s admission on more than one occasion, that the party’s salaries, pensions, and weapons are from Iran.

Al-Mashhadani explains to Al-Jazeera Net that there are internationally known procedures to address such situations. Declaring the company bankrupt and re-producing it again under a new name may be one of those solutions.

Fly Baghdad’s ownership goes back to a number of Iraqi businessmen, and its CEO, Bashir Al-Shaibani, who was also subject to the sanctions in his capacity as its director of management, amid reports that the Central Bank of Iraq had begun freezing the company’s accounts in 3 major banks in response to US Treasury sanctions.

Fly Baghdad announced the cancellation of its flights to Dubai, Beirut and Istanbul due to US sanctions for 3 days (Reuters)
Economic effects
and the effects on the company due to the sanctions. The economic and financial expert, Safwan Qusay Abdel Halim, explains that the US Treasury is interested in tracking the movement of money inside Iraq, and that there are many… Of Iraqi companies that have commercial or non-commercial dealings with banned countries.

Abdel Halim expected, in an interview with Al Jazeera Net, that many companies linked to such violations would be tracked, and Iraq may be harmed at this stage due to the occurrence of a vacuum in some sectors, indicating the necessity of strengthening the economic system in Iraq at the medium and long-term level, through openness to… Conditions for international compliance and non-use of Iraqi lands for any illegal purpose, to contribute to increasing the level of confidence among financial and economic institutions by placing their funds inside Iraq and creating a safe environment.

Abdel Halim expressed his hope that these sanctions would be contained, through an assessment of the level of compliance at airports and the non-allowance of prohibited goods, as well as an increase in the level of quality of services provided by Fly Baghdad or other companies in proportion to restoring confidence in those sectors at the local and international levels. .

In this context, the company announced – yesterday, Tuesday – the cancellation of its flights to Dubai, Beirut, and Istanbul, due to American sanctions, for a period of 3 days.

Regarding the financial effects that will have on the company due to the American sanctions, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, a specialist in financial and banking affairs, confirms to Al Jazeera Net that the sanctions do not prevent the company from flying, but the company will face problems in financial accounts, banking dealings, and in the process of purchasing aircraft, and it can obtain approval from the Aviation Authority. The Iraqi Civilian asked that ticket fees be in cash, without depositing them in bank accounts, noting that this is possible in Iraq, but in other countries it is not possible.

The establishment of the company
and Fly Baghdad Company is an independent private Iraqi company that was established in 2015 by some Iraqi businessmen specialized in the field of air travel.

In 2017, the company adopted modern technology in its work and took the phrase “lower price…more travel” as its slogan. It began implementing the principle of electronic reservation using local payment methods, with a new administrative staff.

The company includes in its air fleet a number of Boeing 700 aircraft with local and foreign personnel.

Source: Al Jazeera


 Thurs. 25 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

400,000 emails to go out in groups during a 18 hour period

  • Two different sources and a Redemption Center agreed on the timing of the release of 800 numbers: Sat 27 Jan. through Tues. 30 Jan. with emphasis on Sat. 27 Jan.
  • Bond Holders to get their email Fri. 26 Jan.

Iraqi Dinar RV News!! | Exciting Dinar News!! | Dinar Investment | Iraqi...

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announces the success of negotiations with America and the agreement to form a “supreme military committee”, 26 JAN

 Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Thursday, announced the success of the negotiations with America and the agreement to form a “supreme military committee” to formulate a specific and clear timetable that determines the duration of the presence of international coalition advisors in Iraq.

The ministry said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, “In fulfillment of its national obligations and in line with the growing capacity and efficiency of the Iraqi forces, the Iraqi government announces, in agreement with the government of the United States of America, the success of the ongoing negotiation rounds between the two sides, which began in August 2023 and ended with the necessity of launching… The Higher Military Committee (HMC) operates at the working group level to assess the ISIS threat and threat, situational and operational requirements and enhance the capabilities of the Iraqi Security Forces.

She indicated that this agreement came to “formulate a specific and clear timetable that specifies the duration of the presence of the international coalition’s advisors in Iraq, begin the deliberate gradual reduction of its advisors on Iraqi soil, end the military mission of the coalition against ISIS, and move to comprehensive bilateral relations with the coalition countries, politically, economically, culturally and security-wise.” “And military, consistent with the vision of the Iraqi government.”

The ministry continued in its statement: “We particularly mention the strategic framework agreement that regulates comprehensive relations between Iraq and the United States of America and reflects the common desire for cooperation between the two sides in a way that achieves the interests of the two countries, and contributes to strengthening Iraq’s regional and international role, in a manner befitting its historical status and building the best relations with the international community in service.” “For the interests and aspirations of the Iraqi people.”

The Ministry continued by saying: “The two sides express their support for the work of the committee, facilitating its tasks, and refraining from anything that obstructs or delays its work. Maintaining the course of the committee’s work and its success in achieving its mission is a national interest, in addition to contributing to preserving the stability of Iraq and the region. The government calls on not Stopping, faltering, or interrupting the work of this committee, and working to avoid tampering with the stability of Iraq to achieve special goals.”

She pointed out that “Iraq renews its commitment to the safety of the international coalition’s advisors during the negotiation period in all parts of the country, to maintaining stability and preventing escalation. The government also confirms its welcome of this agreement, and considers it part of its loyalty to fulfilling the government program and the pledges it committed to before the people.”

A US State Department spokesman confirmed this morning that Washington and Baghdad were “close” to agreeing to begin the work of the Supreme Military Committee in preparation for transforming the mission of the US-led International Coalition to Defeat ISIS into bilateral relations.

The spokesman told Al-Hurra website: “As we announced in August 2023, we are looking forward to moving forward with (the formation of) the Higher Military Commission (or HMC for short), because it reflects the United States’ deep commitment to regional stability and Iraqi sovereignty.”

The spokesman added, “The United States and Iraq are close to agreeing on the start of the Supreme Military Committee dialogue, which was previously announced in August.”


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...